Chapter 22: Destiny

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It was a couple weeks later and (Y/N) and Ryan were about to go back to the compound. With their training finished, it was time for the ceremony. Dr Strange had agreed that they could have it at the compound with everyone and there was a big party planned for after. (Y/N) couldn't stop thinking about what had happened and all the information she had found out. She couldn't stop thinking about the darkness, she knew it had gone down a dark path, but she couldn't help but wonder if there was a way back for it. It had seemed kind of lonely and in pain which is often the way it went when you went down the wrong paths.

She had tried to discuss it with Tony and Ryan, but they hadn't seemed to be quite as concerned, they had both felt it had made its choice. They thought that maybe she sometimes tried to bring out the good in others too much. She thought of all the bad people she had known in her life in the past and she knew that they were all acting from pain. It didn't make it right what they did, and she knew she could never be involved with them again as too much had happened and there would be no trust just like the universe had done with the darkness.

But she let her anger go, she forgave them. She hoped that they would become better one day whether in this life or the next and that they found happiness and would treat others better than they had her, but she had to move on from them and from what had happened for her own sanity which meant letting them go and starting a new life she sighed feeling at peace.

"Hey daydream open the door to the compound, will you?" Ryan nudged her playfully.

(Y/N) started "Sorry, I'm on it." She apologised opening the doorway to the Avengers compound.


As they passed through the portal, she saw all the Avengers were there, all the members of the Guardians of the Galaxy, T'Challa, Okoye and Shuri and her new friends from the Harry Potter universe. Thor spotted Loki "Brother! This is marvellous! I didn't expect to see you here." He said merrily clapping Loki on the back.

"Neither did I." Loki replied sounding resigned.

"They passed then?" Nick Fury asked.

"They have. They are now Guardians of the Universe and they have helped save reality itself and will continue keeping it safe. I'm sure they will tell you the full story later on." Dr Strange informed them.

"Now this is excellent!" Thor announced amidst all the cheering. "We must celebrate with much drinking and merriment. Wizard man!" He addressed Dr Strange "Will you join us for the party?" Dr Strange hesitated then nodded. "I will but first we need to get on with the ceremony. He walked up to Ryan and (Y/N) "You are now the Guardians of the Universe, do you swear to watch over it always, keep it safe and never abuse it?" Dr Strange asked seriously.

"I do." (Y/N) replied her voice filled with feeling.

"I do." Ryan echoed just as strongly.

"Then it is with my pleasure to announce you are officially the Guardians of the Universe, the universe wants me to entrust this to you both to take in turns guarding it." He presented them with his necklace that she knew encased the time stone. Ryan nodded to her to take the first watch with it. (Y/N) took it from Dr Strange and placed it around her neck.

"Guard and protect it well." Dr Strange said. (Y/N) hadn't expected this, she was speechless, and she could see Ryan felt the same. Tony whispered to her "Means we can replay our sexual encounters." He laughed.

"The stone isn't to be abused!" Dr Strange said sternly to Tony obviously overhearing. She could suddenly hear the universe speak in her mind "Guard everything well my daughter, my son. This is what you were meant to do." She felt the universes strong force and love flood through her, and she smiled in happiness.

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