Chapter 16: Crossover

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(Y/N) started to sprint to the compound before stopping short, she was being stupid You can fly, or teleport dummy she chided herself. Deciding teleporting would be faster she closed her eyes and imagined herself in the Avengers compound lounge, she imagined leaving where she was and arriving there and in the blink of an eye she was there.

"Ahhh!" Rocket screamed as she opened her eyes "I will never get used to that! Jesus you're enough to give a poor guy a heart attack."

"Rocket, have you seen Ryan? I need to speak to him." (Y/N) asked wasting no time.

"Yeah, he's sparring with Nat in the training room." Rocket replied frowning, obviously sensing the seriousness in her tone "What's wron-" he started to say but she had already gone. She made her way through to the training room but before she could turn the last corridor she came face to face with Tony. Ah, not now she thought panicked. Tony grabbed her shoulders "Woah, where you going in such a hurry?" he asked her.

Guilt flooded through her you will know soon enough she thought silently. "I need to talk to Ryan, Tony." She said seriously.

"Sounds ominous, anything I should know? You're acting very odd." He commented.

"I just need to talk to my brother first, just me and him. Please trust me, Tony." She pleaded. Tony looked at her then, it was a long calculating look as if he wasn't sure how to proceed with this. "Ok." He said at last letting her go reluctantly, giving him one last apologetic look she went to find Ryan.

She knocked before entering just in case she interrupted something, once she heard Nat's "Yeah?" she knew it was safe to enter. Both Ryan and Nat turned to look at her, both in their sparring gear. "Ryan, I need to talk to you alone, it's super important." She told her brother wasting no time. Ryan looked at her obviously sensing the urgency of the situation. "Alright sis." He kissed Nat "see you soon babe." He smiled at her.

"Don't take too long." Nat winked.

(Y/N) looked away, would Nat feel just as warm towards Ryan once she knew the truth?

As they left the room Ryan turned to her "What is it?" he asked her.

"Not here." She replied. She was glad Wanda wasn't nearby as she wasn't sure she could keep up shielding her thoughts right now. She led Ryan outside far away from any of the others and then turned to face him. "Ok now can you tell me what's going on?" Ryan asked her. She told him everything that had happened with the meditation, Ryan's eyes filled with wonder as she told him. "Wow that's amazing! This is bigger than we ever imagined." He looked so excited "This is great! Who do you think that voice was, do you think it could have been Dr Strange?"

"I think it probably was, he said my destiny is tied up in this which I guess makes everything make a strange kind of sense. But you know we have to tell them, right? We should have done this ages ago Ryan. It's going to look even worse now that we left it so long." (Y/N) fretted. "(Y/N) calm down, I know ok! I know we should have done it ages ago. I'm sorry I convinced you to wait but it was hard to trust them back then." He consoled.

"But we had loads of chances since! We have been full Avengers a little while now, we should have done it. I hate all this lying and sneaking around and what about Tony and Nat? How are they going to take it? I feel awful, Tony has been so open with me, and I have lied to him." (Y/N) felt sadness consume her.

Ryan had the decency to look ashamed "I know, I can't even defend this as I know you're right. I think part of me just hoped we could forget where we came from, but I guess we are being forced to confront it. Thanks Strange if you're listening to this." He laughed bitterly.

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