Chapter 12: First Mission

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After she had ran out of the pool area away from Tony she had gone straight to Wanda. She sent distress signals mentally to Wanda and Wanda was by her side in moments.

"What's wrong?" Wanda asked her with concern.

"Tony, he...he...he." She couldn't get the words out between the sobs. Wanda's face frowned with sympathy "Shhh come here Rose." She whispered soothingly and scooping (Y/N) up in her arms, enveloping her in her energy. Wanda then led her back to (Y/N)'s room and curled up on the bed with her holding her as she cried. Using her powers, she contacted Vision and asked him to bring them hot chocolate.

There was a knock at the door and Vision entered "Here you go darling-" He said to Wanda but then stopped short when he noticed (Y/N)'s face "(Y/N) what's wrong?" Vision asked. Wanda shook her head communicating silently with him and Vision nodded. "I think (Y/N) will need me to stay with her tonight, she shouldn't be alone." Wanda informed him. (Y/N) felt guilty "You don't have to-" (Y/N) started to protest feeling guilty but Wanda stopped her "Nonsense! You need me and id be some friend if I left you like this." Wanda said firmly. Vision nodded "I agree with Wanda." Vision commented, then kissing Wanda swiftly on the cheek and smiling at (Y/N) he left them to talk. "Tell me what happened?" Wanda prompted. So hot chocolate in hand (Y/N) told her everything...

Wanda had listened in rapt silence "oh (Y/N) this is why I tried to warn you. But I do think Tony cares about you, he's just complicated." She said sadly

"I'm not sure he does care about me. Maybe no one will want me and I'm just worthless." (Y/N) said bitterly. Wanda looked at her angrily then "Now listen to me! No more of this! I won't have it! You will find the right person whether it's Tony or not only time will tell."

"I'm probably just another in a long list of girls."

"No! Over the past months I've seen the way he is with you and there is something there. I've seen women come and go before many times." Wanda said and (Y/N) flinched but Wanda continued "But this isn't that. But I think you need to get on with your own life for now and let him work things out for himself, you can't wait round for him to sort his feelings out, it's toxic." Wanda said bluntly.

(Y/N) heaved a deep sigh downing her hot chocolate "Ok I know, it just isn't as easy as that." She said dejectedly.

"I know." Wanda said kindly stroking her face "I read your book, I know what happened to you. But you can't let a guy destroy you. You have a good life here and it won't be like this forever. (Y/N) nodded "Ok Wanda I think I'm just going to sleep now." She said her eyes downcast. Wanda tucked her in and got in next to her when (Y/N) suddenly exclaimed "Shit." Slapping a hand on her forehead "How am I going to tell Ryan, he won't take it well." She fretted.

"Don't worry I'll take care of that, you just sleep." Wanda said determinedly.

"Thanks, you're a good friend." (Y/N) smiled at her switching out the light with her magic. "You don't know how much I love being able to do that. She said in sudden humour. She could practically hear Wanda grinning in the darkness "I know! It's good right?" she replied.

She fell asleep to the sound of Wanda singing her a soothing Sokovian lullaby.


In the days that followed (Y/N) felt like she was drowning in a haze of pain that came in waves. She tried to keep herself busy with her training and reading and writing. She avoided Tony at all costs and only exchanged polite words when necessary. When Wanda had first told Ryan what had happened, he had gone ballistic.

"I'll fucking kill the cunt!" Ryan had shouted and she could hear him being restrained by Thor "Now, now! Don't go beating the metal man!" Thor boomed "Leave that to us Gods ay." But Ryan wasn't listening and (Y/N) heard another boom so she ran into the room to see Ryan had put up his shield but before he could run to confront Tony Nat ran in front of him "No! Ryan don't!" Nat shouted which seemed to bring Ryan to his senses as he stopped slightly looking conflicted. Nat continued while she had his attention "Listen this won't make it any better and you will do more harm to (Y/N)!" she shouted at him.

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