Chapter 10: Closer

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Late the next morning (Y/N) feeling buoyant went down to breakfast. She was glad it was Sunday today as she had a fair hangover from the night before. Most of the Avengers were already all up and about relaxing in the kitchen and lounge areas. She sat down not far away from Ryan hoping he would acknowledge her but other than a weak smile in her direction he said nothing. It was Rocket (looking a bit worse for wear) who broke the silence "Good night then sweet cheeks?" he asked with a smirk.

"Yeah, brilliant thanks." (Y/N) answered as she helped herself to pancakes made by Cap (his pancakes were delicious)

"Yeah, I can see that." He nodded towards her neck. "Don't worry it's not that bad." He added winking directly at her.

"What?" (Y/N) asked mortified, as she ran to the nearest mirror and saw her neck was covered in hickeys from the night before she could hear Rocket curse "Shit I was using my wrong eye again wasn't I". All she could hear was Thor's mighty laugh booming. She could hear everyone else trying to hide their amusement even Caps mouth was twitching.

"I am Groot." Groot smirked and Rocket burst out laughing "I love when you think with your little tree sap."

"Oi! Shut up jackal that's my sister you're talking about." Ryan said angrily facing Rocket.

"It's just a joke blue eyes, get over it." Rocket snarled at the same time as Thor shouted, "don't insult the Rabbit!" which earned Thor an exasperated from Rocket.

Ryan ignored them now facing (Y/N) about to yell at her again probably when Nat strode over "Guys enough! Put your dicks away!" she then gave Ryan a sharp look "Ryan what did we talk about?" she prompted him and (Y/N) shot her a grateful look.

Ryan took a deep breath the effort to remain calm obviously a huge effort, his mood probably not helped by his raging hangover from the night before "I'm sorry (Y/N) I won't interfere anymore, I know it's your life. I've warned you what I think but I will now respect your decision"

"That's better." Said Nat satisfied shooing everyone else away so she could speak to Ryan.

Once alone (Y/N) faced her brother "Thanks Ryan and I'm sorry about you know..." (Y/N) trailed off thinking of their argument the day before.

Ryan dismissed her shaking his head "No, it was the truth and you're right I hadn't thought of it that way. I will try and do better."

"And be a bit nicer to Tony?" (Y/N) asked.

"Perhaps." Ryan responded, "Please be careful though that's all I ask but if he hurts you, I don't care what Nat says I will-"

"Ryan!" (Y/N) said sternly.

"Alright." He sighed "Alright, you had a good time then?" he asked

"Yes, I did, I'm going by the lab to see him today so at least he wants to spend more time with me." (Y/N) informed him.

Ryan didn't say anything he just nodded looking at the floor. (Y/N) decided to change the subject "How was your night?" she asked him.

"It was fun! Thor, Groot, and Rocket are wild. We drank a lot, smoked a bit of weed. Just had a really fun time." He said in a cagey way. (Y/N) could sense they had probably got up to more "Don't do anything too stupid ok?" she remarked.

Ryan just grinned his usual grin "You don't need to protect me sis I can take care of myself."

"Now you know how I feel." (Y/N) said laughing at the irony. "Is something happening with you and Nat, you must be fairly close if she bothered to talk to you for me?"

He grinned mysteriously "perhaps." Was all he said.

"Oh, come on! You have to give me more than that?" (Y/N) pleaded.

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