A Woeful Arrival in San Francisco

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    Enid had been staring at her phone for the past thirty minutes.

Wednesday (8:30 a.m.): "I am texting to inform you of my departing to San Francisco."

Enid had almost fallen off her bed in shock by the sudden text as they had been primarily communicating throughout the unexpected break from school via letters. Only having texted once, and even then it was just for Wednesday to confirm that she had gotten Enid's number correct in her phone. Through the letters they had decided on Wednesday visiting for around a month right before they were to head back to Nevermore. Together they would depart back to Nevermore directly from San Francisco.

Accompanying the message was a photo of Wednesday sitting at the airport terminal with Thing  holding up a peace sign on her shoulder. Enid had giggled softly to herself when she first noticed the hand on her shoulder. His cheery disposition was in harsh contrast to Wednesday's ever present dead inside facial expression. 

This was just the distraction Enid needed from her worries. Her recent break up with Ajax along with the family drama that was currently going on in her household was causing the girl an ungodly amount of stress. That was if you could even say they had truly been in a relationship, they had never really labeled it as such. Although there was the one time they had made out in Enid's dorm room, that was as physical as they had ever gotten. The cracks in their 'relationship' had started to show when Enid had stopped their make out session part way through when she had received the call from Eugene along with the frantic message from Thing. That was also the night when she found out about the Nightshades. The fact that Ajax had been in the secret society without her knowledge left a small rift between the two would be lovers. 

Despite all of that Enid had still tried her best to make a relationship with Ajax work. They had even began officially dating the same night Wednesday saved Nevermore from Crackstone and Laurel Gates. Though they hadn't been official going out for long when Enid realized that the relationship she had so longed for and dreamed of with Ajax was nothing like the reality of things. The final nail in the coffin had come when Yoko sent her a picture of Ajax walking around Jericho holding hands with another girl. Somehow Yoko had even managed to get a photo of the pair kissing.

When Enid confronted her soon to be ex-boyfriend, he simply responded by saying 'he didn't think the long distance relationship would work out, and that he was trying to figure himself out' whatever that meant. They had only been officially dating for three and a half weeks when this all went down. Even still Enid had been wrecked by the development it felt like her life was crumbling around her, and all she could do was look on in horror. Despite how she felt, she did also have to admit the relationship hadn't been anything like what she had been dreaming of for so long.

Enid shook her head as she tried to get the image of the boy she had pined over for so long out of her mind. She checked the time on her smart watch which read 2:37 Enid sighed as she looked around her room. Wednesday would be arriving at the airport at four which meant she needed to get her room ready for her roommate's arrival. 

She began by removing all of her stuffed animals from her bed. Although she kept them beside her bed at Nevermore she often times slept drowning within the sea of them at home. She made sure to place them all diligently on and beside her window sill, before she tore off her very brightly colored bedsheets from her bed replacing them with black silk ones so as to be accommodating to Wednesday's "allergy" to color. Next came the pillowcases which again were too bright and colorful for Wednesday, she again opted for black silky pillowcases which fit her roommate's aesthetic.

It was a little past three when she had finally finished her room makeover, and now she had the mountainous task of figuring out what to wear to pick up her friend from the airport. She knew from the picture Wednesday was wearing her normal black jacket and striped shirt. This helped her narrow her choices down to more casual clothes. After a lot of pacing back and forth and much deliberation she decided to go with her heart sweater. It featured predominantly purple stipes but had sprinklings of yellow and orange it even had a tiny amount of light blue. She went with her pink plaid skirt to round out her outfit. Just as she finished zipping up her skirt there was a knocking at her door.

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