Chapter Two| The Pink Dread

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Standing in the huge dragon pit that was so big that all the candles they had lit and the big windows in there couldn't even light it up.

All six kids, Viserra, Naella, Aegon, Aemond, Luce and Jace were standing in front of the entrance to the underground where Vermax, Jaces dragon was being led up by two dragon keepers.

Vermax was a sickly colored green dragon that's spikes transitioned into a bright vibrant red color with yellow eyes. He was only little as he wasn't big enough to ride yet.

As the dragon came closer and closer snarling at everyone in front of it, Naella grabbed onto the arm closest to her.


Without realization Aegon had put his hand on her back and started to rub his hand up and down her spine to soothe her.

But he quickly snapped out of it and looked down at the hand on his arm and then around to see if anyone saw his previous actions, he felt bad for his cousin but he didn't want to look weak for caring so he scoffed and moved her hand off of him.

"Maybe you shouldn't have your own dragon if you can't even look at one", he rolled his eyes and turned back, though he looked back down at her for a second only to see tears in her eyes as she backs away from him.

"Don't be such a prick, Aegon, she's allowed to be scared when Jace can't properly control his dragon", Viserra spoke up, glaring at her brother.

"You can't talk to me like that, lady's don't use such foul language", Aegon gave out to her.

"They can when it's true!"

"I'm going to tell mother", Viserra was really getting under Aegons skin now.

"Tell her then, I'll just tell her how you made Naella cry", Viserra shot back, knowing there mother had a soft spot for Naella.

Aegon made a noise of anger and his face was starting to go red, it was like smoke was about to come out of his ears.

Turning back towards where Naella was to try comfort her but knowing she might have to go find Aenor, Viserra was stunned when she saw her younger brother Aemond standing next to her.

Wiping the tears off Naellas face and telling her that it's ok and that he was afraid as well of Vermax to try cheer her up and make her feel better that she wasn't the only one scared.

Viserra was shocked to see this as her younger brother usually keeps away from most people as they tease him for not having a dragon, choosing to read books on dragons to learn more about them and hopefully one day get his own.

Walking towards them she let a smile slip into her face happy that both Naella and Aemond have found another friend in each other.

Aemond was nothing like Aegon, thank the Gods for that was all Viserra could think as she couldn't even handle one Aegon never mind two.

Aemond looked up towards his sister as she neared him and Naella and he smiled at her before turning to Naella.

"I hope you feel better, maybe we can play more some day together", he smiled at her and Naella sent a big smile back.

"I would like that very much!"

Just as Aemond was about to walk back to the group Viserra placed a hand on his shoulder stopping him. "That was very kind of you, brother."

"Naella didn't deserve to be spoken to like that by Aegon, I only wished to make her feel better", he told his sister.

Viserra patted him on the shoulder, sending him off on his way back to the group before approaching Naella.

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