Chapter Twenty Eight | Dracarys

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Daylight struck and as promised and surprisingly the promise being upheld.

The remains of Aenors body had been sent back to Kings Landing by Daemon.

Naella had gotten back late that night, practically in the early hours of the morning and had gone straight to bed.

Crawling into Aemonds awaiting arms as he had waited up for her.

Now though as the guards brought forward the trunk, she already knew what it contained and sent it down to the healers so they could wrap him up.

Quickly she planned a small funeral for her father, she would have liked for it to have been a bit more put together, but she was on a time schedule because of the war.

Her father also deserved to be at peace.

So gathered in the vast field outside of kings landings walls she stood in a embroidered black dress along with Aemond, Viserra, Helaena and to a shock Alicent.

Aegon was being held up with Otto to learn to become a king and they were going to bring Jaehaerys and Jaehaera but the babies were too fussy.

Behind the small monument where her fathers body lay waiting patiently for a command was Naellas dragon Kaida and her fathers dragon StormBorn.

Walking forward toward where his body lay mummified on the pier, Naella softly grabbed one of the cloth covered hands.

Though she received no warmth, her father was always the warmest and brightest person in the room.

And here he lay.

Cold as the North.

Raising another hand to his face she cupped it and her dam of tears broke free, spilling down her cheeks like a waterfall.

"We'll say hello again", she whispered.

Leaning down to give him a small peck on the forehead before she stood up and gave him one last look before looking away.

She knew if she didn't look away she would never speak her next words, her head filling with false delusions that he could still be alive.

Glancing up at the two dragons, they were already looking back at her waiting for her.

So with struggle she choked up that one word, a word that held power. A word that could kill men and destroy a city.


The two dragons then obeyed as they widened their jaws, setting the pier ablaze.

After a few moments the group then started to disperse, Alicent giving Naella a hug and a kiss on the forehead whilst she rubbed her back.

Helaena giving her a reassuring squeeze of the hand and a small smile as she offered he to come play with the twins once she finished before leaving with Alicent.

Naella stood gazing at the fire as her face held an emotionless look as tears poured down her face.

The fire dancing around her eyes as she watched it burn.

Viserra wanted to stay and comfort her friend, but when she saw Aemond begin walking toward the vulnerable girl she knew Naella was in good hands.

Her brother was a good man.

So with a small sad smile she then took one last glance and turned away, following her mother and sister up to the Red Keep.

Tears in her eyes that she desperately tried to keep at bay, for she also felt like she had lost a father in Aenor.

Making it next to her Aemond stood beside her and didn't say anything, giving her time to process her grief.

"I'm going to be out here awhile", she sniffled only glancing at him. "You can go back up and i'll meet you after."

She wanted his presence, craved it. He was her rock, her soul. But she didn't want him to worry himself to death for her.

"You asked me to stay, I'm staying", he spoke softly, clearly.

Referencing to all the times she had asked him to stay and now he finally has given her an answer.

"Stay with me, forever", Naella whispered against his lips as Aemond hummed.

"Stay with me!", Naella weeped as she saw him start to close his other eye from the blood loss.

Not needing to say anything back as Aemonds words were his reply, Naella then grabbed onto his hand and entwined them.

Pulling him down to sit on the grass as she laid her head on his shoulder and he laid his head atop of hers.

Watching on as the fire got bigger before simmering down, leaving what it had burned black and dusty.

Not wanting to leave this small moment of peace the couple turned toward each other.

"What troubles you?", he inquired, looking into her eyes.

"I've lost myself!", she was not blind to the change in her demeanor and her personality lately.

"You haven't lost who you are, you're just different now. And that's okay", he rubbed up and down her back.

"I used to think of myself one way but after this...I am something else", she was referencing to everything.

"You are something else, Naella Targaryen", he smiled, resting his forehead on hers. "You're my something else."

"You are my sadness and my hope. But mostly you are my love", she whispered holding his face as she absentmindedly traced the scar, Aemond leaning into the touch.

"What else worries you?", he saw there was more on her mind, he just knew her.

"I'm scared", she answered.

"When i'm around, nothing will harm you", he told her truthfully, he would never let anyone harm her again, not since that night on Driftmark.

"Not for me", she whispered.

"Who?", he was slightly confused, she was hardly scared for him.

Not knowing how to put it into words she reached over and held his hand, squeezing it before bringing it to lay on her stomach.

Letting him feel the small bump that she had beneath her dress.

"H-how long?", he asked, shocked but the more he thought a smile broke out, not one of his iconic smirks or smug looks, but a bright tooth aching smile.

"Four moons is what the maester informed me", she laughed happily.

Being locked in a trance as he felt the bump Aemond was ecstatic, even though he had his worries.

He didn't know how to be a father, he didn't have the best luck with one growing up and Aegon wasn't a good role model.

But when he saw Naellas smile and felt the bump beneath his hands he knew he would give this child everything he had.

"Don't be scared", he breathed holding her close. "Nothing else matters. Only us."


(other author: i know the pregnancy time doesn't add up with the marriage time line or when Naella gives birth won't add up with the war time line, but it's my book sooo. Worse comes to worse we'll just say that her and Aemond had pre martial devils tango and that the baby was a reallll incubated specimen when it comes out before the war)

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