Chapter Thirteen | Moonlight Crimes

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Viserra couldn't sleep that night and after staring at the ceiling for what seemed like eternity, she decided to go out for a moonlight walk.

The air was cold but fresh. It was calm and quiet.

It was perfect.

Until he arrived.

"Viserra", his voice said as she felt him stand beside her.

She had been admiring the beauty of the moon and stars when she turned to look at him.

"Jace", she muttered coldly, not even sparing him a glance.

"Don't you have something to say to me?", he smirked.

"I'm sorry for your loss?", Viserra guessed. "Of personality or character."

Jace laughed humourously.

"Why are you laughing?", Viserra asked him confusedly. "T'was an insult you pathetic fool."

"I don't remember you always being this angry", he smiled.

"Odd, I always remembered you as an idiot", she replied.

Jace chuckled.

"I believe congratulations are in order", he said to her. "Is what I meant."

"For what?"

"Well, I'm a soon to be married man", he pointed out.

Viserra stiffened at this.

"So? If anything I should be sending my condolences to your soon to be wife, not congratulating either of you", she said retorted.

"I meant, just to me", Jace explained.

"Why?", Viserra looked up at him.

"Because you seemed like you wanted to say something when it was announced", he whispered, leaning his head down closer to her ear, Viserra shivering as she felt his breath hit her ear.

"Why are you whispering?", she asked, avoiding how pleasant it felt to be this close to him.

"Why are you avoiding the question?", he asked, smiling.

"What is there to avoid", she scowled. "You're wrong, as per usual."

"I'm wrong to think you were jealous?", Jace asked her. "Even if just the tiniest bit."

"Yes", she answered quickly and simply.

"I think you're wrong", he said to her and she turned to him, shocked that he had the nerve to say she was wrong. "Just this once."

"I'm not usually right, I'm always right", she argued back stubbornly.

"Can't you make an acception, just this once?", he asked her.

Jace was now standing in front of her, the only thing left standing in the way of him was Viserra's stubbornly crossed arms.

"I'll make no acceptions for anyone, especially not-"

Her words were cut off by Jace. It took her a moment to process that his lips were on hers and she was kissing him back.

She pushed him away and wiped her lips with the back of her hand, grimacing slightly.

"What?", he asked her. "Did I do something wrong?"

"Yes, you did something wrong", she scolded him.

"What did I do?"

"You- You kissed me, you fool!", Viserra said to him.

Jace glanced sideways momentarily, slightly confused.

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