Chapter Nine | The Strong Yard

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Viserra was stood leaning against a wall as she watched over her brother Aemond sparring with Ser Criston.

It was then when she noticed two people walking down the steps together that she didn't recognize.

They were both in very expensive clothing so they weren't squires and the had no armor on which meant they are also not knights.

It was only once they had fully got down the stairs and she got a closer look of their faces did she connect the dots.

Jacaerys and Lucerys Velaryon, or would she dare say Strong. She watched as the two boys looked around the training grounds.

Jace seemed to be enjoying taking it all in, while Luce seemed to notice all the stares they were getting and was beginning to shy in himself.

Good. Was all Viserra could think, he should be shying into himself as he once made Naella do when they jumped her and Aemond.

A lot has happened since the Velaryons moved to Dragonstone after their 'father' Laenor 'passed' away and their mother married Daemon.

In the Red Keep, Viserys condition only worsened leaving him bed bound most days and hung up on milk of the poppy.

Rumors spread of Aegon and the atrocities that he committed that Alicent truly tried to keep them under wraps, absolutely disgusted with her sons behavior and praying he will some day change his ways.

Aemond and Naella were betrothed and set to be married the next day and Viserra had become one of the most skilled female fighters.

The only female fighter since her ancestors before her.

As she kept her eye on the two boys, she noticed that they had turned their attention to the spar everyone was cheering at.

See Criston and Aemond.

Over the years Aemond had felt the need to prove to himself and others that he was not weak due to his disadvantage of not having one eye by excelling in sword fighting.

And he is proving it as he had become one of the best sword fighters in the seven kingdoms, rumors surrounding him as he got better and better by the day.

The two boys walked over quickly, excited to see a proper spar Viserra guessed as she heard Dragonstone was a cold and dreary place.

As she studied their facial expressions she was surprised to see that they didn't notice that the person they were watching spar was Aemond, well they had probably forgot all of their sins as their mother made them believe it was all sunshine and rainbows if it was done because they got insulted.

If Jace was to be king after his mother, he should learn that he'll be getting more than insults. What is he going to do? Tear out the eyes of everyone who insults him?

Viserra scoffed and rolled her eyes.

Jace seemed to look over in her direction and she caught him just as he did so. Neither of them smiled, neither them did anything.

They just stared at eachother and the background noises seemed to almost blur slightly as they did.

Until Viserra looked away and back at her brother, the sounds once again becoming loud and clear.

They continued to watch on excitedly as Ser Criston swung his morning star at Aemond who blocked it with a shield, the shield cracking under pressure.

Throwing the shield to the side Aemond then got up and swung at Ser Criston who moved last second causing them to switch positions.

It was then revealed to the two boys who exactly was fighting Ser Criston as they saw the eye patch and a scar going down the side of Aemonds face.

The scar starting above his brow and going down under the eyepatch and coming down his cheek, turning outward slightly.

Viserra reveled in their shock, as she wondered how they hadn't felt her burning stare, but they did not seem to be the smartest of the bunch.

She loved how their excited faces turned into a deadpan look as they now knew who was fighting and Viserra was more happy when Aemond won, his sword pointed at Ser Cristons neck.

"Well done, My Prince. Soon you'll be winning tourneys in no time", Ser Criston congratulated him.

"I don't give a shit about tourneys", Aemond spoke up, then turning his eye to Jace and Luce. "Nephews have you come to train."

The boys were stunned that Aemond even noticed their presence and wondered how he knew they were there in the first place as he had been concentrated on beating Ser Criston.

Before they could reply they were cut off because of the reason they were here in the Kings Landing in the first place.

"Open the gates!", a knight yelled.

It was then that the gates were opened and in walked Velaryon and Hightower knights surrounding Lord Vaehmond Velaryon.

The reason Rhaenyra and her kids came to Kings Landing was because Lord Vaehmond wanted to inherit the Driftmark throne instead of letting it pass down to Lucerys.

Though it worked out as they would've been traveling to Kings Landing anyways for the wedding of Aemond and Naella that will occur the day after the trial tomorrow.

Walking by the group in the training grounds Vaehmond gave neither Jace or Luce a glance just continuing to walk on into the Red Keep.

Aemond smirked a bit and glanced towards Viserra who only nodded with a smile.

Oh she would pray to the Gods that Lucerys got disinherited from his supposed 'birthright', as she knew that it would not be her father judging the trial today.

Because of her fathers declining health it was her mothers duty as Queen and her grandfather's as Hand of the King to step up when the King can't.

And the King could barely sit up at the moment never mind stand.

Seeming as the background between the two sides was a bit icy, it would leave no doubt in Viserras mind that after today Lucerys would no longer be Heir to Driftmark.

Viserra turned away to leave, catching Jaces eye as she left. He smiled at her but she did not return the kind gesture.

There was no denying he grew into his looks, but even so, he still brought a knife with the intention of killing her brother and he lost an eye without justice.

There was no possible way she could like him at all. Pure hatred, that's the only feeling she could feel for him.

At least, that's what she told herself. After all, they were on two different sides here.

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