Chapter Eight | No Son of Mine

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"It's best to be certain", Viserra walked into her mothers chambers to see her mother speaking to a handmaiden.

The handmaiden having a pouch of gold in one hand and her other reaching for the goblet in Alicents hand that was being held out to her.

She continued to watch on as her mother waited with baited breaths as the handmaiden gulped down the liquid in the goblet.

As the girl finished, Viserra could see her mother look down distraught, not seeming to be happy with what she'd just done.

Even though Viserra didn't know what's occurred moments before she entered she'd assume whatever her mother did was for the right reason.

For the family.

Alicent then waved for the other servant girl behind her to take the handmaiden away, both of the girls left in a hurry.

"Mother?", Viserra walked closer to her mother who looked like she's burst into tears.

Sniffing and shaking her hands a bit Alicent turned to her daughter, closing her eyes as she breathed in and out to calm herself down.

Her sadness now turning into anger as she rushed forward, grabbing ahold of Viserras hand and leading her out of her chambers.

Marching down the halls, running to keep up with her mothers pace Viserra was confused where she was being led to.

It was when she got stopped outside Aegons chamber doors where she got more confused, not knowing what connected Aegon to the handmaiden drinking.

Without even knocking Alicent waltzed in with Viserras hand still in grasp, stopping them in front of a sleeping Aegon.

"Get up!", she sneered. "Aegon!", her voice raised.

Getting frustrated from his lack of response her anger that she tried keeping bottled up burst as she screamed toward him.


Yanking the blanket off of him to let the cold air hit him, which revealed his fully nude body.

This made Viserra turn her nose up in disgust at her brother.

"Uhh", he let out a huff as he picked the blanket up to cover himself. "Mother? Sister?"

"What is it?", he then asked turning on his side to look at them, and 'indulge' them.

"What is it? What is it!", Alicent threw his question back at him like he was telling a joke to them. "What is it? That's all you can say for yourself?"

"Has something happened?", he then asked confused why she was so angry at him now.

Viserra was trying to also pick up why her mother was so angry, not seeing her very angry since the night at Driftmark, except then she was more upset than angry.

Now. Now she was more angry than upset.

"Dyana!", Alicent threw the name of which Viserra guessed was the handmaiden at him to see if he'd have any recollection.

"Hmm?", but to no surprise at all to anyone, Aegon didn't seem to recall the name.

"The serving girl", Ding ding ding, points for Viserra for understanding and picking up stuff before Aegon, what a shocker.

Aegon just seemed to shrug at his mothers words still not seeming to understand where this was going.

"Oh, for gods sake", Alicent was completely done with her eldest. "The girl, Aegon. The one you sent fleeing from your company."

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