Chapter Twenty Three | Winter Winds

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Having been flying for quite sometime, Viserra noticed her dragon Ryoko getting tired and restless as he had never had to fly for this long before.

Thinking more of it, she did feel a slight pain in the back of her legs from the amount of time she's been sat on the saddle.

Licking her chapped lips, dry from the lack of hydration as she had been in such a rush to leave Kings Landing that she hadn't packed a bag.

Looking down below her she noticed a quaint little village, directing Ryoko to start a descent toward a field nearby.

Trying not to gain much attention she commanded Ryoko to land as gently as he could.

The grass around them started to rip out of the ground from the pressure his wings were causing, directing the air with every swoop.

When Ryoko finally got his feet on the ground, he leaned down instantly into an almost bowing position to lower himself as close as he could to the ground so Viserra could get off him.

Unlacing her hands from her hold on the ropes from her saddle, Viserra then swung her left leg over as she turned her body.

As Ryoko was still growing he wasn't big enough where he had to have an almost ladder like set of ropes like Vhagar to get onto him.

For now Viserra was able to climb up by stepping on his leg and being able to pull herself up.

Not being far of a drop down, Viserra just brought herself to the edge of the saddle and pushed herself off, landing on her two feet.

Looking up she met the eyes of her dragon, not having to say anything as he stood up and did a sort of nodding gesture.

Seeming to understand what she was going to say, which was that he can go hunt but to linger around the area for when she was finished.

Which wouldn't be that long as she was on a bit of a time schedule to get to Winterfell in time.

Ryoko then stood on his two hind legs and began to lift from the ground surprising Viserra as she know only realized how cold it actually was.

Glancing around her for the first time since she got here she noticed the snow covering everything, snowflakes falling from the sky and her breath in the wind.

She was already in the North, Ryokos heat must've kept her from noticing that.

Pulling her cloak tighter around her, she began to walk toward the village she saw, pulling her hood up to not draw an eye to her Targaryen features.

Getting into the more rural area of the little village, you could hear laughing coming from a tavern.

It seemed packed, full to the brim as there was people inside, laughing, singing and dancing.

Walking more close to the place, hesitantly Viserra opened the door and entered, looking at the people amazed.

They were all full of life.

As if they had no worries in the world at all, like they weren't a small society barely having enough riches to live off.

They may have been poor but they were

Tearing her eyes away from the scene she sat down at the makeshift bar of the tavern, keeping her hood up but removing her gloves.

"You're not from around here lad!", a gruff voice belonging to the owner spoke from the other side of the bar.

"Just passing through", her voice betrayed her.

"Traveling alone girl?", the barman switched up as he cleaned a glass.

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