Chapter Six| Riddles come to Light

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Having been put to bed by her father, Naella slept peacefully and unaware of the succession Aemond had done on the beach that night whilst 'everyone' was asleep.

Only that she was being shaken awake, startled she let out a cry not liking being jostled around harshly, only to be hushed.

"Your fathers chambers are only next door you musn't wake him", Naella opened her eyes as she recognized the voice of Baela.

"We shouldn't of came to get her she'll just go running to her father like the cry baby she is", those words Luce spoke hit her hard as her eyes teared up, but she kept them in as to not prove him right, he'd only get a laugh out of that.

"What's happening", Naella whispered, scared that there was an intruder in the castle or something like that.

"Someone's stolen Vhagar", Baela whispered to her.

"What do you mean stolen? One cannot steal a dragon, especially one like Vhagar. The dragon chooses the rider", Naella was severely confused now if she wasn't before, reciting her lessons she had with her Septa.

"I told you she'd be no help. Aegons right she is just a silly little girl that cry's to her father all the time", Luce made another jab at her, making Naella fold into herself even more.

"Shut up, Luce. We need all the help we can get", Baela whispered at him, turning back to Naella and holding her hand out. "Come."

Letting Baela pull her up out of bed and lead her out into the hall where they met up with Jace and Rhaena, Naella was just getting even more confused and worried by the minute.

Not wanting to get another back handed comment from Luce she kept her mouth closed to not let all her questions come tumbling out as she followed them silently.

Coming at a stop at one of the entrances into Driftmark castle they watched as a figure came approaching inside.

"It's him!"

Naella was shocked as she saw who strode up. "It's me!", was Aemonds reply. This was his plan to try claim Vhagar and he had succeeded like she told him he would.

"Vhagar is my mothers dragon!", Rhaena yelled absolutely furious.

"Your mother's dead. And Vhagar has a new rider now", the way Aemond spoke and the words he used were horrible towards Rhaena, making Naella wince.

"She was mine to claim", this is what Naella shook her head at, one cannot claim a dragon the dragon has to accept the claim from the rider.

Which means that Vhagar seen something inside of Aemond to make her connect with him.

Feeling an ounce of confidence in herself Naella spoke up, her voice small. "A dragon is not something you can pass on to another, the dragon chooses who it deems worthy to bond with."

"SHUT UP! Go cry to your father!", Rhaena then turned her anger onto Naella as the girl took a step back and closed in on herself loosing all confidence she had built up in that moment.

"Don't speak to her like that!", Aemond fumed more angry that they yelled at Naella then at him. "Maybe your cousins can find you a pig to ride. It would suit you."

That's when Rhaena ran forward to try get a hit at Aemond, but he just pushed her to the side so she couldn't touch him. That is when Baela jumped in and threw a punch landing it right on Aemonds face.

Retaliating Aemond also threw a punch hitting Baela and making her join her sister in the ground thinking that maybe they were done and would leave him alone now.

That they would go tell his parents and his father would give out to him and that Daemon would threaten to cut him in half with dark sister.

But that didn't seem to be the case as then Jace started to stalk forward and Aemond felt fear build up inside him. "Come at me and I'll feed you to my dragon."

His words held fear in them and Jace knew that so he continued to go forward and started throwing punch after punch at Aemond.

Using all his might Aemond pushed Jace off of him and Jace shrieked as he was thrown to the ground with a large thud, landing on his side.

Luce then wanting to protect his brother whilst also wanting to hurt Aemond then took it as his chance to try beat the slightly older boy.

But he met the same fate as Jace and only got thrown to the side by Aemond, but he got back up and ran at Aemond again.

Naella having enough went in between her cousin and nephew, shaking as she stood between them and voice cracking as she spoke.

"P-Please, stop....we sh-"

Her words were cut off as Luce just shoved her to the side into a wall, Naella hitting her head before slumping to the ground with a cry, feeling absolutely useless in this moment of time.

Stopping Luce by putting his hand on his neck, Aemond was holding Luce in a chokehold as he held a rock he picked up from the ground at Luce, anger coursing through him as he heard Naella crying.

"You will die screaming in flames just as your father did! Bastards", Aemond let his anger become the better of him, bringing up how Ser Harwin only died after he was sent back to HarrenHall in flames.

"My father's still alive." Lucerys wailed out.

"He doesn't know, does he, Lord Strong?", know Aemond turned to Jace who was looking at him with eyes that spoke death.

Aemond slowly started dropping the rock out of his hand, not actually wanting to hurt Luce or anyone, he only just wanted to claim a dragon and all he got was hate for that.

Seeing the advantage and taking out a small dagger that he had brought with him Jace ran straight for Aemond.

Not thinking Naella stood up in a hurry and ran in front of both Luce and Aemond, grabbing Jace and using all her strength to push him away which caused Jace to slice into her arm, leaving a big gash.

In shock Aemond dropped Luce onto the ground before holding onto Naella who was now sobbing, as she held where Jace had just sliced her.

Not noticing that the dagger had landed right next to Luce and with his anger Luce picked up the dagger and charged toward the two.

Looking up as a shadow approached, Naella cried out more. "Aemond!"

The boy turned as he saw Naellas eyes looking behind him only to be met with a dagger before all he saw was black, followed by a rushing pain in his face.


Viserra had just gotten ready to go to sleep after doing a bit of light reading before bed, blowing out the candle in her room she turned as she heard yells coming from outside her chamber door.

Opening the door to her chamber she stood in the hallway and looked around confused as she didn't see any knights on guard like there usually is.

Not wanting to think much of it she went to close the door until she heard a scream.


That was the voice of Naella, panicking Viserra ran toward where she heard the yelling and turned the corner just to see as Luce slashed Aemonds eye.

Her brothers body falling straight to the ground as Naella quickly fell next to his body as she weeped, putting her hands on top of Aemonds that were already holding his face trying to keep the blood in.

"Stay with me!", Naella weeped as she saw him start to close his other eye from the blood loss.

Walking towards the scene, the other four kids seemed to back away as they saw Viserra approach, watching her kneel down and put Aemonds head in her lap.

Just then a bunch of knights came rushing around the corner, the knights who were supposed to be on duty of protecting them.

One of which was Ser Criston Cole.

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