Chapter Twenty | Act of 'Good Will'

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It was trying to be kept under wraps and out of sight from the people of Kings Landing.

Otto Hightower had returned with the few knights he had brought with him, only mishap is that Aenor and his dragon StormBorn did not come back with him.

"What do you mean they took him?", Alicent fumed at her father from across the small table in her chambers.

Three people occupied the room, the dowager queen herself, the hand and Viserra who had been with her mother when her grandfather had arrived.

"I mean exactly what I said, we got there and discussed the terms we agreed on and then they took him as a prisoner", Otto didn't seem to care that much of Prince Aenor being captured.

"You let them take him!", Alicent said in disbelief, the last straw of hope for her father diminishing in front of her.

"No! They took him and let me and the other knights free. What did you want me to do? I would've been taken as well", Otto argued at his daughters stupidity.

"At least Aenor would've been helpful in the war to come, all you've helped with is starting it", Alicent sneered at him.

"Daughter you don't mean that-"

"Don't I? You've controlled me all my life, making all my decisions for me. How could you possibly know what I think", Alicent was fuming.

Aenor was a good man, he didn't deserve this. Out of all the people in the Red Keep he was the only one not to turn against Alicent after she had married Viserys.

Picking at her nails Alicent sighed, rubbing her hands on her temples to soothe the headache she had coming on.

"Rhaenyra ordered this?", she questioned, not being able to comprehend how much Rhaenyras changed.

"No", Otto shook his head. "Daemon thought it would see fit, Rhaenyra didn't want to."

This seemed to be the most honest thing you'd get out of Otto, surprisingly he didn't try to twist the situation that had happened, not wanting to anger an already seething Alicent.

Viserra was sat quietly thinking of Naellas words that appeared to be correct, Daemon would do anything if it meant he could get even a taste of power.

Even if it was at the hand of his own brother.

Thinking of Naella, Viserra sprung up in her seat, Alicent and Otto looking at her alarmed.

"What about Naella?", Viserra asked. "She's been on edge all day about her father, what do we tell her?"

For once Alicent looked to her father for a solution as she too didn't know what to say, how was one meant to break to a child that her father has been taken prisoner by his own brother, her uncle.

"We don't", Otto said, confusing the two women.

"What?". Alicent questioned not getting what her father was trying to say.

"We don't tell her", he told them.

"She's going to ask questions, she'll worry herself to death", Alicent disagreed with the idea.

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