Chapter Twenty Five | He's just a Boy

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The Morning had arrived quickly, the rest of her journey back from the North also flying by as it was nearing the night when Viserra finally arrived back at the Capital.

She knew that Aemond had returned as when she was flying in she saw Vhagar briefly, but once she entered the Dragon Pit she took notice that Naella had not seem to have been back from her journey to Riverrun yet.

As she walked toward the Keep she was surprised that when she got there she wasn't greeted by any of her family.

Only a member of the KingsGuard who seemed to be patiently waiting for her arrival.

"Princess, you're family are in the council room awaiting you", he spoke, taking his leave after he got a nod from Viserra.

Guessing that she'd no time to get changed out of her riding gear, she went in the direction of where everyone would be.

Expecting for them to be having a Small Council meeting on the loyalties of Winterfell, Viserra was trying to come up with a lie on the spot.

How was she meant to tell her family that she never actually made it to Winterfell to even try sway them from Rhaenyra.

"How could you let this happen!", the voice of her mother was heard first before she could even see the door.

Upon further entry into the room, she took note that it didn't seem to be a Small Council meeting, but more of a family one.

The people in the room being a chilled Aegon, Otto who's brain was going miles an hour, a fuming Alicent and a Aemond who looked like a kicked puppy.

Aemond was sat in an arm chair as both Alicent and Otto surrounded him, both in his face.

Aegon was slumped in another chair as he delved into the rich dornish wine, seeming quite happy.

"I didn't mean for it to happen", Aemond tried to reason, Viserra still confused on what was going on.

"What did you think would happen you fool, chasing him on the biggest dragon alive that may i remind you has been through a war and conquered it", Otto snarled at him, having thought over there situation and realizing the tragedy of the place they are in.

No words came from Aemonds mouth as he looked to the floor, what else could he say, they wouldn't believe him when he says he never meant any harm.

"Have you nothing to say for yourself?", Alicent asked her son. "You sprung this on us and now can't even explain your actions."

"Are you satisfied with yourself, boy!", Otto hurled at him.

"Satisfaction isn't in my nature", Aemond spoke up, shaking his head.

"I think on the contrary Mother, Grandfather", Aegon slurred from his seat. "I think we should throw a feast in celebratory for my Dear Brother."

The room was tense as he spoke.

"For all that it's worth. That Bastard Strong boy has been tormenting Aemond for years. It was finally time he got an eye for an eye."

The pieces of the puzzle for Viserra were beginning to click together as she took in more of the conversation and the emotions in the room.

"Throw him a feast?", Otto laughed sarcastically. "Aemond chased Lucerys Velaryon on Vhagar and mutiliated the boy. All because of a small childhood squabble."

"It wasn't exactly a walk in the park", Aemond mumbled as he rubbed over the bottom of his scar.

It was true, it wasn't just a walk in the park. It took years for Aemonds eye to not be at risk of infection and a few more to fully heal.

"What i'm saying is that because of you're hunger for retribution you have cost this family, if we weren't already at the start of a war we definitely are now and they will be wanting revenge."

"This shouldn't just be seen as Aemond starting the war, they also made a push when they decapitated Aenor", Viserra spoke up for her brother.

She could see the look on his face, it was the same look he had at Driftmark when Viserys didn't care to stand up for him.

And unlike then she would fight to stand for him now, he was her brother and she would be there for him.

"Viserra! Lucerys was just a boy", Otto argued with his granddaughter.

"Aemond is just a boy! He was just a boy!", she yelled in his face rendering everyone speechless even Aemond as they watched her carefully. "If you can't see that then maybe I should wear the armor and you the gown."

Not wanting to listen to any more of this and not wanting to leave Aemond with these vultures who were ripping him apart.

Piece by piece.

Viserra grabbed ahold of Aemonds arm and beckoned him to stand up, not giving the other three people in the room time to talk before they exited the room.

Neither of the siblings spoke a word as they walked arm in arm down the corridors of the Red Keep, letting everything sink in as they made it to the privacy of Viserras chambers.

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