Chapter Sixteen | Street of Silk

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"Aegon brought me to the Street of Silk on my thirteenth name day", Aemond told the two others.

They were walking down the streets of Flea Bottom before they entered the Street of Silk where all the brothels were, naked women seen in every corner.

Wearing sparring clothes so they blend in more with the crowd, Aemond and Viserra wearing cloaks over their heads to cover their trademark hair, Aemonds hood being pulled more over as he also had to cover his eyepatch.

" 'This is duty as my brother', he said. "To ensure i was as educated as he was", Aemond used a mocking tone as he said the last sentence.

He stopped the two in front of a huge black double door, putting his hand on the knocker but turning to the two before he knocked on it.

"At least that's what...i understood him to mean", Aemond paused for a second seemingly saddened as he thought back, shrugging it off as he looked back at them knocking on the door harshly.

"I don't follow", Criston shook his head.

"He said, 'time to get it wet' ", Aemond leaned forward toward Criston.

Viserra watched as when Criston looked at the door that Aemond pulled a face at his words, showing that this didn't seem to be much of  a happy memory for Aemond.

"Every woman is an image of the Mother, to be spoken of with reverence", Criston also seemed disgusted at Aegons words, reaching forward to knock on the door again.

|~literal one minute timeskip~|

"Sometime last night we misplaced our drinking companion and only he has been in the past a patron of your fine establishment we thought to inquire hearers to his whereabouts", Ser Criston took the lead on speaking to the woman at the door of the known brothel in the Street of Silk.

"And describe him", the woman spoke with a smirk, she seemed to already have a sort of notion to who they were looking for.

"That is a delicate matter....", Ser Criston trailed off leaning in closer to the woman. "You see the man we seek is the young Prince Aegon, I may trust i hope in the discretion of your trade."

Viserra looked quickly over at Aemond who seemed almost out of place and uncomfortable as he took his sight off the woman they were talking to.

Looking between the woman who seemed rather cocky, already having a sense of who the three were before they even mentioned Aegon, and then towards her brother who she hasn't seen look so out of place in years.

This must be one of the women Aemond had stumbled upon the time Aegon brought him here, it also seems that Aemond didn't enjoy his time in the Street of Silk like Aegon frequently does as he doesn't speak well of the place or his time down here.

"The Prince is not here", the woman said plainly.

"Has he been here?", Criston then followed impatiently, not liking how the woman was leading them on as they had more important matters at hand. "Earlier, perhaps."

"Quite a bit earlier. Years ago, in fact-"

"More recently", This woman was now really pushing over the line with how long she was dragging on a simple conversation.

"He is not frequent in the Streets of Silk, his tastes are known to be here...less discriminating", The woman used more riddles than Helaena.

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