Chapter Seven| No Justice

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Quickly all the kids were brought into the big hall that Driftmark contained as the King and Queen were awoken first before knights and handmaidens went to find the parents of the other kids.

"How could you allow such a thing to happen?"

The king was chastising the knight in front of him, Aemond sat upon a chair, having his eye cleaned by a Maester.

"Who had the watch?", Viserys was interrogating the knight.

"Young prince was attacked by his own cousins, Your Grace", the poor knight was trying to justify his actions.

Naella sat on the floor in front of Aemond as the Maester was finishing stitching up his eye, her arm having been stitched and cleaned already by another Maester.

Viserra was standing beside her mother as Alicent watched as Aemond winced whenever the needle went into the wound.

"You swore oaths to protect and defend my blood!"

"I'm very sorry, Your Grace. The Kingsguard has never had to defend princes from princes, Your Grace–"

"That is no answer!", Viserys voice echoed out throughout the room.

Alicent's voice chimed in, "It will heal, will it not, maester?" She sounded desperate.

"The flesh will heal. But the eye is lost, Your Grace", the Maester informed Alicent, who was nearly in tears as she looked at her boy, her sweet boy.

"Where were you?" Alicent turned to Aegon who only seemed to be getting sober now.


Noticing his drunk behavior, Alicent slapped Aegon across the face, Aegons neck whipping to the side.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"That was nothing compared to the abuse your brother suffered while you were drowning in your cups, you fool", Alicent was fuming as nothing seemed to be being done about the incident.

It was then in that moment that a half dressed Aenor ran into the hall, seeming as he sprung right out of bed and thrown on whatever he could find.

"Naella", he yelled, rushing straight for his daughter, sliding onto the ground next to her and bringing her in close.

His heart was beating faster than lightening as he had been awoken by a handmaiden telling him that his daughter had been injured in a fight.

"Are you alright? Where does it hurt?", he held her face in his hands checking her over before spotting the blood on her dress, before catching sight of the stitches on her arm. "Who did this to you?"

Still being shocked to speech Naella looked at her father before turning her eyes over to where Jace and Luce stood, Aenor following his child's eyes to them.

To say he was shocked that his nephews would harm his daughter, he knew they would play cruel jokes on Aemond, but he couldn't believe they would ever turn on Naella, as much as to harm her.

Before he could even say anything the doors opened again and Lord Corlys and Princess Rhaenys rushed down the stairs, going straight to Baela and Rhaena.

"What is the meaning of this?"

Though they were cut off to as the grand doors to the hall were opened as Rhaenyra rushed in and to everyone's surprise Daemon behind her.

Rhaenyra going straight to her children to check them over as well, trying to ignore the looks she was receiving.

"Jace? Luce!" She rushed to kneel in front of them, looking over the damage of Lucerys's nose, nothing compared to the damage he had given Aemond.

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