Chapter Twenty Four | Little Dove

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"Let Us Together Summon A Great Council", Naellas words were practically swaying the Lord in front of her. "As of right now, your sacrifice is greater than your power."

There he sat, the aged Lord of Riverrun, Lord Grover Tully, gazing down at Naella looking as if he could fall asleep at any moment whilst also looking infatuated all at the same time.

"Grandfather! You cant honestly be-"

"Silence Elmo", Lord Grover cut off his grandson from speaking.

Elmo Tully was not much of a fan toward the Greens having fully submitted his loyalty to the Blacks, though as he was not the Lord of the house he had no say whatsoever in where their loyalties as a whole would lie.

"What do i get out of pledging my house and my men to the King Aegon?", the Lord spoke up.

"Why is it that when one man builds a wall, the next man immediately needs to know what's on the other side?"

"Surely i must not mean much by sending a woman to handle his matters for him, aye?", completely ignoring her question that was also a slight backhanded comment toward him.

"Us women may not rule but we may guide the men that do", she grew to be annoyed of him and a slight bit of her wishes he would side with Rhaenyra just so she'd never have to see him again.

"I like that", Lord Grover laughed. "Though as the Patriarch of my House, I have to take my Houses needs into consideration and with that we need more-"

"You have no idea how reasonable I've been, Lord Grover-"

Naella had cut off Lord Grover and as she was speaking she was cut off by the doors to the hall opening.

Her mouth shutting instantly at what just came in, or more like who came in.

"Oh, don't stop on my account."

There stood Daemon Targaryen.

The Rogue Prince.

Standing with not a care in the world as if he hadn't torn her heart out mere days ago from his actions.

"Prince Daemon what a surprise, What ever are you here for?", Lord Grover cackled at the situation that's stumbled together.

"I'm here to ask for you to pledge your loyalty to the Queen Rhaenyra", Daemon walked closer.

Instead of standing on the opposite side of the room, Daemon made sure to stand as close as possible to Naella.

Obviously trying to make her squirm by his mere presence, though he was shocked and slightly proud that she held her ground.

Not flinching or seeming uncomfortable of any sorts as she stood up straight next to him with immaculate posture.

"It seems the great House of the Dragon doesn't know who rules it. King Aegon or Queen Rhaenyra", Lord Grover continued, laughing to himself.

"Lord Grover if you could just give us your answer, me and the Prince Daemon would be pleased to get going as soon as possible", Naella smiled kindly to the man, hoping it could sway him more.

"I'm actually quite comfortable", Daemon smirked.

Waving off both Targaryens, Lord Grover stood up. "I'll have to discuss such matters with my family and my council, you both may go back to your King or Queen and report to them that i'll send my answer by the morrow."

"Thank you my Lord", Naella bowed her head in respect before turning to leave.

Trying to make her way out as quick as she possibly could to escape Daemon.

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