T h r e e

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Me and Reese have been hanging out more and I think my feelings are getting stronger and stronger. But to be fair it's her job.

Like today i am going to this school doing a little sing song and then we are going to the mall so i have a day planned out.

We are going to meet at 8:30am and its currently 8 so I gotta have a shower and get dressed in an hour.

I choose my outfit and prepared it for when I get out the shower and head to the bathroom. After I think like ten minutes I had washed and had a little sing so I head back into the room to put on the outfit.


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I'm outside miss superstar

Alright I'll be down
And what have I said about calling me that

I'm sorry ma'am

I chuckle and head to outside after saying goodbye to my parents. As I shut the door I see the jeep on the side of the sidewalk.

"Reese" i nod greeting her

"O'Connell" she nods doing the same

The drive to the school was quite but mainly because I was nervous. This is the first time I'm performing since the talent show and Danny said that pretty much everyone in that school will know who I am so my heart is going pita pata pita pata I feel sick like I could throw up.

"Alright we have reached your destination. You ready?" Reese asks switching off the ignition and facing me

"I- give me a sec" I say taking deep breaths trying to keep my breaths steady.

She grabs my hands pulling me slightly into a hug "I'm going to be with you Bil all the way. If you get on and you want come off straight away that is perfectly fine. I'll be standing on the side ready to bring you in for a hug. Trust me this is the worse part but as soon as your infront of everyone hearing the cheers all the nerves will go and you will be so happy in the moment"

We get out of the car and have a proper hug before walking in the school. I put my sunglasses on the top of my head and walk in. Many people would be like the memories come back but I've never been to a public school I've only ever been homeschooled so it's a new experience for me.

Walking in we get greeted with lockers on the side of the hallway straight away. The hallway then leads to the reception desk.


"Alright? I'm Reese and this is billie eilish we have a meeting with mr devereux" (said like dev-row) I was introduced with the receptionist and I smiled at her but she just looked nervous after she found out that I was billie eilish. It's weird.

She picks up the phone and chats with someone for a couple of seconds and turns her attention to us.

"He is ready for you just walk all the way down and the last right door by the stairs is his office he is in there waiting for you"

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