S e v e n t y

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Reese's POV

Me and Billie have been getting alot closer recently and i would be crazy to say i dont like having Billie's attention. Matter of fact after work today Billie some how convinced me to let her take me on a date. Her mam immediately agreed to look after Klara since shes growing up and i think she made plans to take her to the aquarium.

Once i got to work i was met with a suprise. Denzel was working on the door. I walked up with him since he was just standing there and caught up. The day actually went quite fast since it was either walking around making sure everything is safe and catching up with D.

"Alright well i have to go but i guess ill see you tomorrow" i say getting to ready to leave Denzel walking out of the staff room together.

"Yep, i missed you Reese its been a while but i cant wait to spend more time with you again. Maybe one day we could go to the pub and get a drink maybe?" Denzel asked looking infront of him.

"Im not sure. I promised Billie i wouldnt drink for a good while because apparently i need to give my liver a rest" I said laughing and glanced over at  Denzel who had a mad like expression on his face.

"Okay ill see you around ig" he said walking around the corner leaving me to walk to my car alone without saying a proper goodbye. Weird af.

I pull my phone out and text Billie that im on my way home and just gonna stop in Walmart on the way to pick up so more frozen fruit which she replied with okay be safe.

I paired my phone up to the the car and played a random playlist on my way to Walmart. I sat at the intersection at a red light lightly tapping my finger to the beat of the music on the steering wheel. The light went green and people started driving froward leaving me to follow them. Suddenly i hear tires screeching across the road and then a high pitch noise thats when everything went black.

Billie's POV

I got in the car to head to the restaurant I'm taking Reese to tonight. We planned it so it's would be like a first date would be so me meeting her there instead of a roommate situation.

Once I indicate out of my street I start to indicate down the highway. I decided that I would go and see Zoe for an hour while Reese gets ready and then drive back to the house when Reese is ready to pick her up so it's like an actual first date.

We spent most of the time laughing and joking and that's when I realised the time. I have to leave like right now. After saying goodbyes I jumped back into my car and started driving home.

On the way i got stuck in heavy traffic so I texted Reese to let her know what's happening so she doesn't think I'm just bailing. Driving past I see an ambulance on the hard shoulder with door closed and a bit further near the start of the highway more the intersection stood a car like frame but it would hard to make anything out of what type seeing the doors had been cut off.

I gave my best wishes to the family and the person injured in the car and started heading back to the house now the traffic is running more smoothly.

Soon I was outside the house yet Reese jeep wasn't in the driveway. I walked in the house to see my mom and Klara on the couch.

"Mama!" Klara yelled holding here arms out at me.

"Hiya baby" I said picking her up and spinning her around once like I usually do as she giggles. "Hey mom have you seen Reese" I ask sitting on the couch with Klara on my lap.

"No the last time I saw her was- umm now I think about it last night at dinner. I thought she would have finished by now that girl works to much" she said scrolling through her photos to post on Instagram.

"She did mom. She texted me about two hour ago telling me that she was on her way home and then going to get ready for our meal" I said starting to get worried. Reese is the type of person who would rather being an hour early than 3 minutes late.

"Well maybe she got caught in traffic you said the traffic was-" my phone started ringing cutting my mom off but with a random number. I picked it up but didn't speak not wanting to leak my phone number if it was a fun trying all the phone numbers in the area.

"hiya love is this billie" a person on the screen said in a really Welsh accent almost exactly like Reese's.

"Uh yeah who is this" i asked. I know this is how I leak my phone number but if anything is happening to Reese right now I need to know.

"Thank god. So we've met before I'm Sian Grey, Reese's mother. I'm calling you because I just had a call from a hospital in cali saying she's in critical condition there. I'm not sure whether you two are still friendly but I was wondering whether you could go to the hospital atleast until my flight lands tomorrow I don't want her to wake up alone" the voice said through the phone. No. Reese can't be injured I- we were suppose to go out for food she can't be in the hospital.

"Uh- umm yea sure I will. Umm I'll see you tomorrow. Can you text me the name of the hospital" I said while my voice cracks as I try not to cry.

"Of course lovely. I'm so sorry that I bothered you" with that she hung up and a couple of seconds later she texted me the hospital.

I just stare at the floor for a couple of minutes blocking out any noise just completely in my brain. Questions came rushing in all the how's and why's and where's. What if I could of prevented it somehow? what if she didn't go to work today she would be getting ready right now? Omfg what if that was her car on the motorway and she was in the ambulance.

I grab my keys and start walking towards the door when my mom called my name "Billie! Where are you going" she yelled. I turned around with tears rolling down my face and I try to wipe them away so Klara doesn't see that in upset.

"It's Reese. She's in the hospital"

- 1138 words

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