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Tw: slight abuse (I'm not really sure if you would put this under abuse but writing this gave me so many bad flashbacks that I thought I would put a trigger warning just in case) look after yourself. I love you

Billie's POV

Walking back to the table hand in hand with Reese i see our food is there. I wait for Reese to get into the booth. As we both sit down Finn mumbles finally and starts eating.

Everyone was asking if Reese was alright but Claudia was being a bit to clingy for my liking. If anything she was talking to only Reese bringing her into conversations that she wasn't in.

"We should hang out soon" Claudia said to Reese

"we should. It would be so fun" Reese said more energetically.

"I'll message you tomorrow to sort out a day" Claudia said leaving Reese going pale.

"Oh umm I'm currently on a month off technology so I don't have my phone" she said thinking on the spot leaving people on the table to be shocked.

The conversation turned to how that is and how she was finding it until the dreaded question came up.

"So Reese where are you staying at" my mom asked and I could see she was getting uncomfortable. She doesn't even know where the house is of course she's not going to know

"She's living with me mom" I said leaving peoples eyes on me "I bought a secret house a while ago and didn't tell anyone so I said Reese could live there and I'm there part time sometimes sleeping over your house and then sometimes over mine" I said trying to dig myself out of trouble.

"We are going to have to come around soon to your new house then. I know Klara would love to see both of her moms" my mom said

I can't exactly shut her down. That's just going to cause more confusion and attention to the situation that we don't need. I knew this wasn't going to be a good idea.

After Reese finished her meal I decided that it was time for us both to go home. I know she's going to worry about what's going to happen when we get home but nothing is. She's been really good today.

"Guys me and Reese are going to head on out. We are going shopping tomorrow so we need as much rest as we can get" I said making an excuse to leave without making it too suspicious. I see Reese's expression drop knowing that's she's going home and she quickly finishes her drink.

Reese's POV

"-we are going shopping tomorrow so we need as much rest as we can get" Billie announced. I felt my expression drop slightly but I had to pick it back up. I don't want to be in trouble.

I finish up my drink quickly to keep billie from waiting and slowly get up. Everyone gets up as well to say goodbye and give hugs.

Finn walks up to me first "you better not disappear in us again I missed you" he said bringing me into a hug and then going over to Billie.

Next was Patrick. "I'm glad your back in the family kiddo we've missed you" he said again bringing me into a hug

Thirdly Maggie came over to me and straight away brought me into a hug. "I'm always here for you ok. No matter what it is you can tell me" she said then kissed me on the cheek before pulling away.

Lastly claudia practically came running over to me bringing me in what I can only call a smothering hug, like a hug you would give to a long distance partner. "I don't know what's going on with you and billie but here." I felt something go into my pocket "my numbers in your pocket so if you need me at all text" she said whispering and then said louder "god I've missed you" catching the attention of billie.

As Claudia pulled away billie instantly grabbed my wrist. "Come on love. It's time to go home" she said exaggerating in the word love while pulling me out of the restaurant. As she opened the door her touch went more loving. I was confused until I saw paparazzi coming around the corner leaving her wrapping her left arm around the back of my waist.

"Reese where have you been these last few months"

"Have you been in contact with billie the whole time you were missing"

"Billie have you known where Reese has been the whole entire time" I had to stop everything inside from yelling of course she did she is holding me hostage but I remained calm and carried on walking to the car.

Billie walked to my side opening the car door and shutting it once I got in moving to her side. Once she was in the car she let out a deep breath and turned on the car.

Half way home she pulled into the Taco Bell drive thru ordering 3 burritos for her and 2 for me. Explaining I will see what we are going to do when we get home.

As we pulled into the driveway I got to say it's a cute house. In the middle of no where so something I'm also going to have to think about is how am I going to get away.

She grabbed the Taco Bell from the back seat and walked over to my side opening the door and holding her arm out towards me. She took me into the house and sat me down on the sofa putting the bag of food on the floor 'ready' for later.

She connected the phone to the big tv opening Spotify and playing hrs and hrs by Muni long.

"I don't really do this but huh can I sing to ya" she said and throughout the song started grinding against my body in time with the beat of the music. As she started grinding it hit me. She's giving me a lap dance.

She straddled my lap lightly kissing my neck while also grinding on my leg. I sat there still with my arms beside my body not moving. My thought process was maybe if I didn't move she would get the picture that I didn't want to have sex.

"What's up baby" she asked stopping her movements. You.

"Nothing I-I'm just not in the mood" as soon as I spoke I regretted everything. If there was an un send button that I could press that would take back what I said I would've pressed like 50 times. Her eyes change now more with an angry expression on her face.

She got up walking to the closet where all the coats are and opened one of the bottom draws pulling out two objects.

"Pick a hand" she said holding both of the objects behind her back

"I'm sorry I-I don't mean to make-"

She grabbed both sides of my chin and gripped it hard "I said choose a fucking hand"

I picked right making her pull a collar from behind her back with the tag in shape of bone with the name 'Reese' printed in italics. I'm going to be honest this is the first time through this whole experience of being here that I ever was scared for my life.

"You picked the right one. In your opinion. This is your collar now. When your bad you wear the collar." She said clipping the collar around my neck. "You could've picked this" she pulled out a leather leash from her other hand. "This would've hurt alot more than a something being a little tight around your neck trust me"

She put the leash back into the closet and walked back over to me pulling on the collar slightly choking me "I don't know what Claudia told you but your mine. No matter what I say your mine. No matter what you do your mine. So don't forget that when you are deciding to disobey me" with that she pulled me upstairs locking me in the room alone.

I never found out what the Taco Bell was for.

-1377 words

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