F i f t y - s i x

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"You- you can't" she said standing up from the couch.

"I understand that it's not what you want but I have to" I say trying to reason with hopefully trying to calm her down.

"No. You. Can't" she corners me up against the wall taking a breath in between the words to act intimidating.

"Bil I understand your upset but-"

"There's no buts your not listening" she got closer inches away from my face "you don't need to leave. Your not going to leave. Your never going to leave. End of" she goes back to sit on the sofa and starts up the live again like nothing happened leaving me in shock and panic.

Has she always been like this but I've been too blind in love to notice? I need to talk to finn. I start to head to the door but as I touch the door handle a voice calls me.


I turn around "yea" I reply knowing she's on live

"We'll talk more about it later alright. I love you"

With that I walk out shitting the door behind me. As soon as the door shut I took a deep breath in. Do I tell someone about this? What if she does something that puts someone in danger? Why did she even act like that?

I walk out of the arena and straight onto the bus into my bunk not talking to anyone. I shut the privacy curtain and pull out my sketchbook just drawing how I feel. Trapped, scared, confused.

It ends up turning into this monster thing. Chained to a wall but he's trying to get away. I put the book back under the mattress so no one would ever see it and go on my phone watching Sam and Colby.

It's always been my dream to go on a hunt with them exploring and experiencing all the things they do first hand but I know it would never happen. They are like my comfort YouTubers.

It wasn't long before the bus door went and the bus starting up meaning Billie's on back. I chuck my phone under my pillow and turn over facing the window pretending to sleep as footsteps come closer.

The noise of the curtain being pulled back echos through the end of the bus since no one is done this end. I felt breathing on my neck slowly making its way to my ear

"I know your not awake so listen to what I'm gonna say. You can't leave. No matter how much you want to. When you signed the agreement of the relationship being public you must have not read or don't remember the back page. I can tell you what it was.

'For PR reasons members who are involved in the relationship has to be seen together romantically until publicity drops even if not romantically together anymore.' And last time I checked we have actually grown publicity so nice try baby but have a good nap okay and I'll show you the papers in the morning" she kissed me on the cheek and shut the curtain walking back into the room with everyone else.

The fuck. What the hell. Part of the contract? She literally told me that it's just saying that the management and her image can profit off of the relationship she didn't say anything about keeping a PR relationship until the publicity drops.

When we had the meeting we left early because she had a check up on the baby so I didn't have chance to read it properly just skimming it. I must have missed that.


I didn't sleep all night waiting for today. Whether she'll tell her family and her management that we broke up or will she completely ignore it happened.

Lying in bed with one headphone in watching YouTube I heard Klara cry so I get up out of bed grabbed milk from the fridge and brought her back to my bunk calming her down.

I changed what was on YouTube to something that Klara would watch and just stayed in my thoughts. Thinking about what's going to happen with Klara now. Like is billie still gonna let me look after her or am I not even gonna be able to touch her. How are we even going to explain this to her.

About an hour or so later I heard someone's phone going off which woke up Klara and billie. She picked it up so it must have been hers and answered it while walking into the bathroom.

"Yeah what's up babe" she said but it slowly got quieter as she walked away. Babe? You have to be kidding me. It's been less than a day and she's already openly calling someone babe in front of me knowing I can't do jack shit about it.

We head to the lounge and gave Klara to Maggie as I make her mushy weetabixs. I put her in her little chair so she can eat. Well by eat I mean chuck most of it on the floor and like a quarter of it in her mouth using her hands.

I started making breakfast for everyone. Vegan pancakes. Once I made a good couple I walked to the bathroom where billie still is and knocked on the door saying "breakfast".

She comes out not long after with her hair messier than what it looked like going in like and sat at that table smiling at everyone. "Thank you babe these are delicious" she said while practically smirking at me with the what are you going to do about it look. "Mhm" I replied getting up and cleaning Klara up and the floors around her.

I get an email saying contract so I clicked on it looking through the online version. The last page. It says pretty much exactly what she said but in a different way and also two other things underneath. I'm not allowed to partake in any other relationships and I have to act like we are dating in front of everyone meaning her family.

I walked away heading to the bathroom to get changed. As I was coming out I bumped into finn.

"So you thought against breaking up with her?"

"Yea I guess I gave her another chance" I sighed walking away. This is going to be my new life.

-1062 words

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