S i x t y - f o u r

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1 month later
Maggie's POV

After finding Billie on the balcony I haven't stopped worrying about her and she clearly isn't herself anymore. Obviously it's about Reese and how they aren't together anymore but maybe they just need closure.

I pull out my phone and contact Reese asking her to come over to just put closure on the situation. After some
Convincing she finally agreed and is coming over on a flight in two weeks.

2 weeks later
Billie's POV

"That was so fucking good"I said with my breathing unevenly lying in bed fully naked.

"You weren't too bad yourself Eilish"my boyfriend said. Yep you don't need to read it twice. MY BOYFRIEND. My management saw how sad I was and decided to put me into a PR relationship to try and cheer me up. Well that's what they said. If anything I just want to be in it for the sex. Nothing can take my mind from Reese apart from sex.

No one apart my management knows about the relationship yet tho. I know I should tell my mom but I want to see it if it's gonna work out first. I don't want it to be like every relationship where you take them to meet you parents and then a month or so later they break up with you. Maybe I'll just give it a month or so and if we are still together I'll tell her but she doesn't know every hookup I have. This is all this is right now.

Once I caught my breath and came down from my high I notice Dan ain't in here. After a couple of minutes I managed to stand up. Just. And walk around the house to try and find him.

I know u might seem clingy but all I want rn is to cuddle in bed. Walking around the house I start where I think he is gonna be most and that's the basement. Where all his gaming setup is.

Opening the door and peeking through I was right. He's sat at his desk play COD.

"Baby I thought we could cuddle. Can we just lie in bed together for a bit?" I ask wrapping my arms around his shoulder resting my chin on his head.

"Not rn Im playing COD with the boys. You can lie in bed tho." He said not once taking his eyes off the game so I walked out the room not saying anything. 

Who am I kidding? Why did I think he would care that much to be intimate like that with me.

I crawled back into the bed pulling the duvet over me and scrolled through TikTok trying not to compare him to Reese.

I also have been getting texts from Liv and I've been tempted. By been tempted I mean I gave in and hooked up a couple of times but now that Reese isn't here and it's because of her I don't feel the same.

After a while of going through TikTok Finn called asking me to come home for dinner.

I got out of the bed and got dressed making sure it's everything k was wearing here. I go to the bathroom to make sure my hair looks ok when I saw my neck.

Fuck. I told him not to make any marks I'm just gonna have to get concealer on the way home. I went back into the basement saying goodbye and went to my car driving to the nearest CVS.

I pick a cheap $6 concealer in my shade, bought it bringing it back to the car and using the mirror to put it on.

Eventually I covered it up without it looking cakey and started heading home. I pulled up to the house when it started to rain heavily. Walking up to the house I don't  even bothering to knock on the door walking straight in i get greeted with Shark.

"Hey boy" I say fussing him and then carrying on walking to the kitchen. That's when I saw her. The love of my life. The still love of my life. What the hell is she even doing her. I thought she never wanted to see me again. Maybe she changed her mind.

"Reese babyyyy your back" I said practically running up to her to hug her.

"Billie " she said standing there not hugging back almost tense.

Once I got the message I pulled away from the hug and sat down opposite her.

We sat there in silence. Looking up at eachother occasionally until we made eye contact and then looked away.

"So Reese I made-. Oh hey Bil I wasn't expecting you for another hour or so" my mom said sounding anxious that I'm here.

"I'm just Im just going to go to my room" I say walking away from the awkwardness at least for a while.

-812 words

A/n: sorry I haven't updated in ages. I was in the hospital for what felt like years. I hope you are all doing good. I love you <3

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