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Billie's POV

"I don't want you I want mama" Klara said kicking her blanket off refusing to take a nap without Reese.

"Baby girl mama is at the store" I said stroking her head trying to get her to fall asleep yet she starts balling her eyes out at the thought of Reese not being here. This is what it was like for the first week or so once Reese left. She would refuse to do everything because Reese isn't here.

"Hey calm down" I say pulling her onto my lap rubbing her back "mama is gonna be back soon but you should show her how big you've gotten sleeping on your own. You know mama would be very proud" I say as she starts to come down.

Once her crying has stopped I put her back into her big girl bed. She grabs her stuffie and snuggles up to him as I sing her to sleep.

(This is the bed but smaller in length)

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(This is the bed but smaller in length)

Eventually she fell asleep and I left after putting on her nightlight. I walk into the living room to see everyone sitting down watching a movie and the only space is next to Reese.

Do you get deja vu. I walk over to the spot and make eye contact with Reese. "Can I sit here" I mumbled pointing at the empty bit of couch.

She didn't say anything but grabbed my arm pulling me on the couch. "Don't be stupid Bil. I know we ain't dating anymore but you don't have to be nervous around me" she said as she puts her hand on my leg in a friendly way. Well I hope it ain't a friendly way.

Throughout the film she would brush her thumb up and down my leg I'm guessing as a comforting gesture but it was anything but. Sometimes her hand would shift up my leg more until she realised how high it was and would bring it back down-

"Billie!" I picked my head up completely in shock. "We've been calling you. It's your turn to choose what to watch" finn said while passing me the remote.

While I'm scrolling through the menu she removes her hand and stands up walking somewhere. After finding the film 'the babadook' I put it on the start and waited for everyone to come back. Eventually every comes back with Reese being the last one.

She walks in with two bottles of water, takis and ready salted lays. Sitting down she chucks the takis and a bottle of water on my lap and smiled at me while putting her focus on the screen.

Throughout the film I could see Reese trying to get comfortable. Leaning in certain positions practically trying to fall asleep. I pull her down making her head come into contact with my lap. At first she tries to get up but with running my hands through her hair she gets more relaxed and relaxed before she falls asleep still with my hand through her hair.

After the film everyone decided to just go to sleep and that's when they see Reese sleeping on my lap which led to photos being taken.

"She's letting you in Billie. Don't fuck it up this time. I swear to god you maybe my sister but it doesn't mean I can't beat you up" he said before saying his good nights leaving and heading to his room with Claudia.

I decided to try and get up slightly to sleep in the same room as Klara or someone sleeps in the same room as her. I manage to pick Reese up bridal style carrying her to mine and Klara's room putting her down on my bed and pulling the blanket over her.

"Goodnight Reese" I say pecking her on her forehead before doing the same to Klara before grabbing a blanket from the little chair and walking to the sofa to sleep.


I wake up and the first thing I do is check my phone looking at the time. 10:52 am. Usually Klara is awake by now. I walk into the room to see Klara in the bed with Reese and both of them are sleeping. Reese holding her protectively like if she didn't something would happen.

I walked back out of the room to start breakfast. Making Weetabix for little miss and vegan pancakes for everyone else with an option of apple or orange juice.

I walk to Finns room knocking on the door waiting for a response before walking in.

"Breakfast is on the table for everyone" I said and walked out heading to my parents room. I knock on the door but this time slightly opening the door to see none of them in there. I look on the driveway to see my moms car isn't there meaning they've gone out.

I got back to my bedroom and wake up Reese telling her about breakfast. I pick up Klara and carry her around the house until she wakes up. Before you come at me she needs to stay in routine otherwise it could make her stressed leading to seizures.

Everyone eats breakfast and we decide that we are gonna go and buy Klara a ball pit. Well it was Reese's idea as a present for her.

You may think it's random but one of the last things we did together was when we went to an indoor soft play Klara LOVED the ball pit balls and the fact the Reese remembered that gives me hope for the future. I hope she can take me back and forgive for the wrong I did in the past

-958 words

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