F o u r t e e n

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For future reference they are both a switch and Reese dresses both femme and masc. throughout whereas billie dresses mainly masculine but changes it up slightly towards the end


Walking into the room I don't even give her time to drop her bags off i quickly push her up against the door pinning her hands above her head and brought my lips to her ear. "You made a mistake doing that O'Connell. You didn't listened today but after this you will wish you did"

I move my head through her ear and start kissing her. The kiss becoming more passionate every second. After a while i pull away and push her onto the hotel bed straddling her so she cant move. We carry on making out until i had to pull away to catch my breath. I take this time to walk over to the suitcase and pull out a familiar show box.

Walking back I spoke for the first time since we got into the room. "Are you ready love?" billie nods in response while her right hand slowly snakes to her core. Walking up her to her i pull her hand away.

"uh uh. You decided not to listen so only I can touch you ok" Billie nods

"Be a big girl for me and use your words"

"Yes baby"

I pull everything out of the shoe box while smiling at the realisation on billies face.

while tying the rope on her legs and arms to the bed i go over what going to happen "do your remember the code words lovely girl"

"red, yellow, green"

"good girl and what do they mean" i start setting up the toys by the side of her so I wont have to walk to far from her

"red is stop, yellow is slow down, green is good"

"good girl. Im going to put the blindfold on ok you tell me if you want it off throughout" i crawl up to her and put the blindfold on her making sure it is secured.

Once billies vision is gone I take a step back and look at the sight Infront of me. Ill never be able to be fed up of seeing her like this.

i get on my knees in between her legs and start slowly dragging my hands down her stomach to her thighs. I slowly rub her thighs for a little before i start placing little kisses on them leaving a few marks every now and then. As my kisses get closer and closer to her core i can see her breathing alot faster. I finally start kissing her core Letting her have the attention she has been craving. Every couple of seconds she would let out a soft moan trying to hide the stronger ones.

I pull my face from her core and trace my finger around her hole collecting her arousal on my finger. I move my ring finger closer and slowly slide it in earning a moan. I move my hand faster and faster to the rhythm of her moaning and adding my middle finger to the mix.

Moving my hand faster i can feel it aching but i could tell she was close. I start motioning come here with the fingers insider of her reaching the spot every time.

"uh im gonna cum" Her backs start to arch and i can fell her walls clenching around my fingers. She didn't think i was going to give it to her that easy did she. I pulled out leaving her whining about how close she was.

"You haven't been a good girl have you. Only good girls gets to cum"

I grab the vibrator and open my phone to change the strength of the vibration. i place it on her clit and turn it on. Instantly she starts moaning. I draw a wave on the screen making the strength go from weak to strong to weak again in a matter of seconds. When i see her reaction from doing that i continue leading to her becoming a moaning mess. As she arches her back i pull the vibrator away for a couple of seconds.

Through the coupe of times we have had sex everytime she was about to cum she arched her back so i stopped her from doing it this time. The last toy was the thing that will push her over her edge tonight. 12 inch strap-on. Its like she wants to not be able to walk. Putting on the harness i start rubbing the tip against her pussy.

"are you sure you want this" i start hitting the dildo against her core making her whole body jolt

"P-please" she says moaning halfway through as the the dildo made contact

I slowly push the tip inletting her get use to the feeling by slowly pushing in inch by inch. While getting use to it i lean down and start kissing her neck sucking on her sweet spot. Once she gets use to it i start moving in and out  while kissing her neck. It didn't take long for her to get to the point of orgasm. Once i see her breathing getting heavier i take off the blind fold and grab her chin making eye contact for the first time tonight.

"your gonna ask permission to cum ok and when i say you can you look at me while you cum" she nods in response as i start pounding her going hard and fast.

"babe can i cum please"

"No hold it"

I start going faster if it is possible and i see how hard shes trying. The bed starts creaking and the headboard starts knocking on the wall. I can see her squirming while tears roll dwn her face making her mascara spread.

"cum" is all i say and instantly she makes eye contact with me while arching her back.

I dont pull out and keep going making her cum multiple times in the row without giving her a break. Pulling out of her slowly a lean down kissing her while making sure not to come in contact with her clit.

"you did so well love" i mumbled against her lips

Pulling away from i walk to the bathroom and run her a bath. I go back to the room and untie her carrying her into the bathroom and helping her into the bath.

-1054 words

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