
718 24 3

prompt: thornhill tells tyler her whole plan for the first time.

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third person pov

Wednesday left the Weathervane for the remains in the woods, and Tyler stood by the table where the map was previously laid out.

He was intrigued to know the hidden reason for Wednesday to be going to the old meeting house. He knew she was trying to find more about the monster that roamed the woods, heaven forbid she actually does, but he didn't understand why she needed to visit the sketchy landmark. Was there something else going on?

Sure, he was the monster that roamed the woods. She didn't need to know that. He didn't want her to know that. But what he wanted to know was if she was closer to finding out.

He liked Wednesday. A lot. And he'd be damned if she figured out that the monster was actually him.

Tyler decided that he was going to go on break a little early and follow Wednesday to the meeting house.

Deep enough into the woods, he shifted into the hyde and ran after the raven-haired girl. He didn't like this part of himself, but he had to admit, the speed that the transformation gave him was something he wouldn't mind getting used to.

He ran through the forest, making sure to take long enough for Wednesday to already be there to eliminate the chance of her seeing him.

When Tyler arrived, he crouched behind a clump of bushes behind a thick tree. He peeked around the corner, watching in confusion as Wednesday went around, slapping her hands on random things scattered around the old formation.

He nearly jumped when she went to open the door, but instead had her head snap back, falling to the ground.

What the hell?

Tyler watched as Thing crawled over, pat her shoulder, and then perched on a log a few feet away.

In fear of being spotted, the hyde sat still behind the tree, hardly breathing.

A few minutes in, Wednesday still passed out on the ground, it started to rain.

Another couple minutes passed, and her eyes shot open as she sat up, catching Tyler off gaurd. He caught himself, though, and went back to watching as she explained something about a "Goody" to Thing.

The two went back through the hardly standing gate, and that was when Tyler decided to get a closer look.

He approached the fence and peeked through a hole, nearly jumping out of his skin when he saw Wednesday's eye looking back at him. He saw her jump back, startled, as he turned away, and he laughed in his head. He crushed his mood, however, when he remembered that he wasn't supposed to give her any clues.

He ran off.

After a while, he turned back into a human and ran on foot back to the Weathervane.

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"Tyler, come here," said Ms. Thornhill.

They walked into the cave where she performed her evil tricks.


She smiled sickly-sweetly at the boy.

"My plan is starting to pick up speed nowadays, so I'm going to tell you the rest of it."

"Okay," Tyler said, unsure, as he walked over to and sat on a rock.

"So, I've already told you about how we needed to collect the body parts to awake Mr. Crackstone."

Tyler nodded.

"But what I didn't mention was that his crypt where he lies is unaccessible with a blood lock, placed by one of the outcasts he sent to Hell all those years ago. So," she chirped, "we need to get the descendent to the grave on the bloodmoon to unlock the coffin with her blood, before we kill her and all of the other outcasts."

Tyler cringed. Wednesday was part of those outcasts that Laurel Gates cursed. He eased again, his confidence in the girl to get herself to safety growing.

"And that descendent is a pigtailed, little brat named Wednesday."

And it all came crashing down.

Tyler's mouth fell open, any hope for the girl being crushed as her name left Thornhill's tongue.

"Be a good mama's boy and keep an eye out for her," she said, walking to Tyler and patting him on the cheek. "She's a slippery one!"

With that, leaving Tyler alone in the torture chamber, the redhead practically skipped out of the cave.

Tyler's brain went haywire as he got up and made his way to his house.

Why did it have to be Wednesday?

The one girl he managed to get close to and fall for, the one person he swore to himself to protect.

The one descendent that was needed to be sacrificed for his master's cruel desires.

His anger flared as he slammed the door to his house.

Why, why, WHY!?

His anger dissolved into despair.

He sunk into his bathtub, fully submerging himself in the warm water. He opened his eyes and screamed.

Wednesday was going to die. And there was nothing he could do to prevent it.

God, I'm such a monster.

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um, alright then

i promise the next ones will be cute

𝐰𝐨𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 // 𝐰𝐞𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐱𝐭𝐲𝐥𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now