
553 15 15

prompt: wednesday and tyler take a walk.

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third person pov

The morning was bright, not a cloud in the sky as the sun shone blissfully through the trees' whispy leaves. The wind was slow and the air was warm, the golden haze of the sun's light setting the dewy grass ablaze with a luminous glow.

One loud knock echoed through the silent house, and the golden haired boy stood from his couch and made his way to his kitchen where the white door was. He peered through the peephole, pleasantly surprised at the dull face on the other side. He unlocked the door, the sound of the click seemingly louder than usual on this particular quiet morning. The wooden door creaked open as it swung inside, and the two pairs of eyes met; one pair looking down, the other looking up through dark lashes.

The pigtailed girl stared at the boy for a moment before turning away and heading in the parallel direction, and the boy had no choice but to follow. Confused and enticed, he trailed behind the shorter girl, following her questioningly into the forest that surrounded his house.

The birds chirped as the two passed the trees, heading towards the direction of a marked nature trail. The path ahead was flattened dirt, weeds and plants torn away from their roots to create a road for those who wanted to walk peacefully. They walked side by side on this trail, staring at the woods ahead of them, admiring the honey glow of the green surroundings. The boy glanced down at his friend beside him, and his lip turned up in a crooked smile, his attention leaving the world around him and focusing on the girl that seemed to glow in the sun's giving rays.

The girl glanced up sideways at him, catching his eye before he could turn away and regain his focus on the root he almost tripped on. She shifted her eyes back to the scenery, her attention particularly being taken by two birds on an overhanging branch. One, a bullfinch, feathers as dark as night. The other, a flycatcher, had feathers of golden yellows, reds, and browns, along with splatches of white.

It was truly a sight; the black being complimented with the array of color as the two birds snuggled beside each other. An interesting match, the girl would decide. It wasn't typical to see two different species of avian creatures get along, let alone be mated to each other. They paired well, the girl noted, despite the obvious differences. They were cute and seemed happy.

They passed the tree with the two lovebirds, and quiet conversation filled the air. It was soft and slow, neither talking too loud or too fast. It passed the time as they walked along the dirt path, their arms swinging awkwardly between them in longing of each other.

The boy's finger twitched in the other hand's direction, hesitating to actually make the connection. The girl's hand dangled at her side as their soft voices trailed off, the both of them looking anywhere except each other. The quiet overtook the two, leaves rustling overhead, birds chirping in the distance.

The raven haired girl stared straight ahead, trying to act casual as she took the lead, slowly extending her arm and softly grabbing onto the boy's hand for what would be the first time. Their fingers intertwined, the awkwardness leaving the air as the awaiting move was finally completed.

The golden haired boy was relieved as the conversation picked up again, the two pretending like they were not making physical contact in the way that they were.

As things go, the trail came back around, leading the pair back to where they had come from, and placing them outside of the boy's home. Dark doe eyes gazed up at honey-glazed ones as they stood in silence in front of the white, wooden door. At nearly the same time, they looked down at their connected hands, and they hesitantly pulled away. He waved at her, sensing the upcoming goodbye.

And then they parted ways, a tingling, golden peacefulness left in their palms as the boy closed the door and the girl walked along the street in the parallel direction.

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quick question:

would you guys prefer it if i post more frequently with shorter, less well-written chapters or less frequently with longer, well-written chapters with actual plots?


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