
683 29 24

prompt: tyler and wednesday are friends with benefits.

mixed requests by: @Gato_Cristiana and @yourapeiceofshit

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third person pov

Nothing irked Wednesday more than clueless boys.

Now, as she walked down the halls of Nevermore, Xavier on her tail, she wished for nothing more than to be buried six feet under.

"Just one date?" Xavier called behind her.

She was sick of saying "no," so she just stayed silent as she speed-walked to her dorm. She spun around in the doorway, an icy glare shot to the boy, and she slammed the door in his face before he could utter another word.

She leaned against the door and sighed, dragging her hands down her face. Could Xavier not get the hint? How many times does she have to tell him "no" before he got the idea and left her alone?

Just today he had asked several times to take her to dinner, saying things like "I know you like me," and, "One date will change your mind!"

She was sick of it, and she needed to let out some steam.

So, fifteen minutes later, Wednesday found herself at the Weathervane.

"Hey, Wens!" said Tyler cheerily, pausing his sweeping.

She didn't reply as she approached him, placing a hand on the back of his neck and firmly pulling his face to hers in a fierce kiss.

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"You okay?" Tyler asked the girl, opening the supplies closet's door. He could tell by her sudden urgency and intense performance that something was bothering her more than usual.

"Yes," she murmured, brushing her disheveled bangs away from her pink, flustered cheeks.

"You know you can tell me anything, right?"

"Yes," she simply said again, almost smiling but holding it in. Being with Tyler made her feel much better; he calmed her down more than anyone else could. "Thank you."

He held up his hands and smiled, starting to back away to get back to his job that he should have been doing for the past twenty minutes.

"No strings attached, right?"

This time, she sent him a small, crooked smile as she exited the coffee shop.

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Wednesday was fuming.

Not only had Xavier pestered her again, practically begging for her to go out with him, but he had actually tried to kiss her.

He almost got away with it, with his larger form and greater strength. If it wasn't for Wednesday's strategically-whacked knee, he very well could have kissed her. Luckily, she managed to slip away, cursing him under her breath as he staggered behind to recover.

And so, yet again, she found herself inside the Weathervane, looking for Tyler.

She found him where she expected him to be, behind the counter, but what she didn't expect was for there to be another girl chatting with him.

She stood across the counter, lightly dragging her fingers along Tyler's arm, laughing at something he had said. Suddenly, her problem with the name of "Xavier" disappeared.

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