𝐬𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬

507 23 11

prompt: wednesday gets a pet without tylers permission

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third person pov

Wednesday walked into her and Tyler's shared apartment, her new pet in her arms. She had always wanted a snake, and this pantherophis obsoletus, or a black rat snake for simpler minds, that wove itself around her arms was the perfect new addition.

The pitch black snake wrapped itself around her torso.

"Easy, Vincenzo," she scolded the reptile, closing the door. "Don't strangle your mother."

The snake listened, unraveling itself from her stomach and curling around her arm once more. It looked like a spring, ready to pounce, and Wednesday almost smiled at the mental image.

"Tyler?" she called through the seemingly empty apartment.

"Up here!" a distant voice called back.

Wednesday made her way up the steps, gently stroking her fingers along Vincenzo's smooth, scaley head. She reached their room and opened the door, scanning the area for her boyfriend.


The golden-haired boy turned his head around, setting down his paint bucket on the top of the ladder he was stood on. Since they had recently moved, they were still renovating the place to make it seem more homely. Tyler was currently painting the black accent wall.

"Hey, where've you be-" he abruptly cut off when he saw the animal wrapped around his girlfriend's neck. Taken aback by sudden shock and fear, he flung his head back and forth, gripping on to the ladder in fright.

"Ah!-" he squeaked, the ladder toppling over, taking him with it.

Wednesday stood a few feet away, frozen in place as her eyes widened, watching the scene in front of her unfold. Tyler crashed to the ground, a pained grunt passing his lips. The dark haired girl cleared her head and rushed over.

"Tyler?" she asked, crouching down next to him and placing a hand on his arm. "Are you alright?"

His eyes were closed, but they popped open when she touched him.

"I'm fine," he said as they locked eyes. He looked to the side, his eyes widening again at the sight of the snake. He sat up and shuffled away, pressing himself to the wall. "Why the hell do you have a snake?"

Wednesday turned her head to look at the reptile that was slithering down her body to reach the floor.

"His name is Vincenzo," she said. "He's a pantherophis obsoletus."

"Why is he here?" he asked again.

"I adopted him. He needed a home."

Tyler groaned.

"Why did it have to be our home?"

Wednesday extended her arm, the snake sliding up her hand and off of the floor, slithering up her limb and resting on her shoulders.

"We connected when we first met. His soul matches mine, representing my inner turmoil," she explained, a soft smile playing at her lips as she admired the creature. "Why are you so opposed?"

"I don't like snakes," he grumbled.

"Why not?"

"Look at him!" he exclaimed. "It's creepy! They have no limbs and they look slimey."

Wednesday grabbed the snake off of her and held it forward towards the man on the floor. Tyler tried to press himself further into the wall.

"They're magnificent creatures," she said softly. "Give him a chance. ... For me?"

Tyler's eyes shifted back and forth between the reptile and his girlfriend. He internally sighed, knowing that he was not able to resist Wednesday's version of a puppy-dog-face.

"Fine," he huffed, frowning for only a moment before a smile took over his features. He couldn't help it; Wednesday's rare, bright smile made him want to smile so big till his cheeks hurt.

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had to whip out google for this one

vincenzo is pronounced "vuhn-chen-zo," its italian :)

sorry for the lack of updates! i was sick and then went back to school from break, so that took up a lot of time

requests please!

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