
656 27 3

prompt: tyler is sick and wednesday looks after him.

request by: SkyeTaylor793

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third person pov

Tyler laid in his bed, hunched in on himself, gripping his stomach with his clammy hands. He hadn't felt that terrible in a very long time. His stomach rumbled and he groaned.

His eyes closed, tightly scrunched shut as he tensed himself in agony, fighting off the urge to throw up.

The knock on his bedroom door sounded three times louder than it normally should have been; it echoed in his pounding head like ringing bells.

Not being able to bring himself to respond to the person that knocked, Tyler just laid, head on his growingly warm pillow, waiting for whoever was on the other side of that door to decide if they wanted to come in or just leave.

He didn't have to wait long, however, for a certain pigtailed girl came stomping in.

She approached her boyfriend, crouching down next to the bed to get on the same level as his face. Wednesday frowned as she looked him over, eyeing the way his eyes were sqeezed tightly shut and how a thin layer of sweat coated his forehead in a sickly sheen. She sighed and brushed her fingers gently along his cheek before running them through his hair.

Tyler seemingly relaxed at the cool touch of her fingertips, sighing in content as the pounding of his head eased a tiny bit.

"How are you feeling?" she asked in a whisper, careful not to upset his headache.

He just grumbled inaudibly in response, and she softly smiled.

Wednesday removed her hand from his hair, much to his disappointment, and stood up, searching for his room's garbage can. She found it a few feet away from his bedside table, grabbing it and placing it next to the bed where she was previously sat.

She then walked to the other side of the bed that had more space, unoccupied by the sick boy.

"Scooch," she demanded, and he shifted over a little, making enough room for her to sit next to him.

"I don't want to get you sick," he mumbled, waving his hand in the air to brush her off.

"Nonsense," she responded, settling down and pulling him closer to herself.

He sighed, flopping his arm over her stomach as he rested his head on her chest. Wednesday's fingers found themselves back in his hair, woven in the golden strands.

Looking down at her boyfriend cuddled up on her made her heart swell in ways she didn't think it could. It was a strange feeling, she found, watching the boy she loved slowly drift off to sleep while also grumbling in agony. It made her heart ache, contrasting with the previously felt swelling.

As she brushed her fingers through his hair, all she could think about was how she would do anything for that boy.

Wednesday closed her eyes, leaning her head back against the headboard, gently starting to hum a soft tune. Tyler sighed in content once more before his grumbles turned into small snores, and Wednesday smiled.

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Two days later, Wednesday found herself hunched over the toilet, the contents of her stomach heaving their way out of her system.

She sat back, gasping for air as she rested her head on her hand, her elbow perched on the toilet seat. From outside of the bathroom, she could barely hear distant voices.

"Thank goodness you're here!" she heard Enid exclaim to someone. "She's been in there all morning!"

Enid, bless her, had tried to help in any way she could, but there was only so much vomit she could smell before passing out.

Somewhere during the outside conversation, Wednesday's eyes had fluttered closed, her dampened bangs stickily hanging over her forehead. Before a soft snore could pass her lips, a frantic Tyler burst through the door, and her eyes heavily opened halfway to look at him.

"Are you alright?" he asked, frozen at the door.

In response, Wednesday lurched forward, heaving into the toilet once more.

"Oh my god!" he said to himself before flinging himself onto his knees next to his girlfriend. Though he didn't need to, he grabbed her two braids and held them behind her back.

The girl sat back into his chest, breathing heavily.

After a few moments of rest, she was back in bed with a bucket at her side. Tyler slid in beside her.

The two sat in silence, Enid long gone. Wednesday's eyes slowly started to drift closed again, and before she submitted herself to sleep, she turned to cuddle into her boyfriend's side. He brushed his fingers through the unbraided parts of her hair.

"I told you you'd get you sick," he whispered, teasing.

"Shut up."

And then she fell asleep, Tyler fondly staring down at her.

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hope this was good!

𝐰𝐨𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 // 𝐰𝐞𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐱𝐭𝐲𝐥𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now