𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩𝐬: 𝐩𝐭. 𝟐

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prompt: tyler takes wednesday on a surprise vacation (pt. 2).

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third person pov

Wednesday hissed as she hit the sea, the salt water flooding the gash in her neck. It stung horridly. Her heavy eyes opened, and all she could see was the darkness of the black water. Eyes burning, she guessed which way was up and hoisted herself with all of her strength.

The waves buzzed in her ears, the storm above her only getting more powerful. She broke through the surface and gasped, fresh air full of rain almost making it to her dry lungs before a wave crashed, sending her plummeting downward into the deep ocean.

Strength waning, Wednesday pushed herself towards what she hoped was the surface, but she was losing hope. She got close, just a breath away, before being shoved back by a wave, being tossed around like a volleyball between each crash. Her mouth opened in a gasp as one fell down on her, harsher than the others, nearly cracking her back in half. Her world turned hazy as salt water filled her mouth, causing her to cough with air she didn't have, lodging the water to her lungs. Between the lack of air and loss of blood in such a vital spot, her mind fogged and she lost the strength to keep kicking her legs.

She slowed to a stop, the droning in her ears fading away, and allowed the current to push her every which way, skinking down until she couldn't see the surface anymore.

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Tyler shoved past the imitation Wednesdays and slammed into the railing, squinting and shouting through the heavy rain.

"Wednesday!" he cried, his rain-pelted hair falling over his searching eyes.

The dark water was suffocating to look at, the blackness nearly sucking him into a trance as the waves churned around the hull of the ship.

He caught a glimpse of a figure - maybe his imagination playing tricks on him, showing him what he wanted to see. But a figure he saw, and he took it with a grain of salt with a strong false hope.

He flung his head around, the water pellets flying from his hair as he looked around in shock.

The other Wednesdays were gone.

With a feeling of slight relief and a heavier dread, Tyler turned back to the tumbling ocean and scanned through what depths he could see. He saw the figure again, and decided he would rather die trying than live not knowing; or worse, live without Wednesday.

He jumped.

Tyler first noticed the shockingly warm water, half expecting it to be freezing, half expecting himself not to care enough to notice. He noticed second how badly he underestimated the current, and quickly found himself tumbling around through the waves.

Stay focused! he scolded himself.

He paddled around, his stinging, blurry eyes giving little help to his search. His head broke surface, and he stuggled to stay afloat. A wave knocked him down, and he was plummeting deep again.

Muscles aching, Tyler stopped for a moment, the current almost taking him away with an unexpected speed before he pushed again. He pushed until he physically could not anymore, and before long, he fell limp and allowed the waves to carry him where they may.

Before giving himself in, he jolted back awake when his body collided with a dark figure. He opened a tired eye and squinted through the water, and what he saw made him gasp, releasing the last of the oxygen that was stored in his lungs. What he saw floating next to him was what appeared to be a singular pigtail. And that was enough to give him enough strength to lunge forward and wrap his arms around the figure, and vow to never let go.

He closed his eyes, and didn't have the strength to open them again. But it didn't matter anymore. He had Wednesday in his arms again, and he knew wherever they may go, they would always be together.

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im sorry.

that was more depressing than i had originally planned, but i kind of like it ending like this. this way you guys (if anyone is still reading this) can use your imaginations and create your own ending that suits your fancy. i imagine them washing up on a stranded island and having to survive on coconuts and waning sanity until a rescue boat finds them <3

also, so sorry that ive taken so long to update, so if you are still around, thank you! i cant imagine another chapter coming soon, but id appreciate it if you guys would still be here when i return.

thank you for reading, and as always, i hope you enjoyed! lmk what you think!

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