
626 22 8

prompt: tyler sees a ghost.

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third person pov

Tyler woke up due to the bright lights shining down on his face. He turned to check the time, confused when a red, illuminated 3:12am glared back at him.

He left the comfort of his bed, dreading to step out into the cold winter's air without the protection on his warm, cozy blanket.

Hurriedly, he took two large steps to the lightswitch, flicking it back off, submerging himself back into darkness. He dove for his bed, climbing back under the covers, relishing in the warmth.

The sound of the vents pumping heated air lulled him back into his peaceful slumber. He almost fell fully back asleep before he was awoken again.

Confused and half-asleep, Tyler looked to the wall, squinting at the now switched 'on' lightswitch. Had he not just turned it off?

The lights blinded him as he got up again, this time taking his blanket with him, wrapped up burrito-style.

He turned the switch back off, turning back around to flop back into bed. He took half of a step before the lights were on again.

He furrowed his eyebrows. Was he dreaming?

He turned the lights off again, this time seeing the lightswitch flick on before he could look away. His eyes widened.

What the hell was happening?

"Hello?" was his first instinct of action.

Tyler didn't actually suspect that anyone was there with him. His first guess that he was sticking with was that he was either dreaming or hallucinating. He wouldn't be surprised if he was; he felt dead on his feet.

He was surprised, however, when someone responded.


So much so, he dropped his blanket in fright, nearly jumping out of his skin.

Tyler flung his head around, searching for the person who had just greeted him back. He ultimately found no one.

Breathing slightly unsteady, his heart still racing, he scolded himself for going crazy, making up voices to scare himself. He went to go back to bed, looking to the floor to pick up his blanket. His eyebrow raised when it was no longer by his feet.

I am definitely dreaming.

He laid down against his pillow, blanketless, content with the heating the vents were giving him. It wasn't ideal, but at least he wasn't freezing.

Tyler closed his eyes, ready to submit into sleep once more, before a click was heard, the vents shuttering to a stop. His eyes shot open as he sat up.

"Are you kidding me?" he groaned, rubbing his eyes.

Even if this was just a dream, it was very annoying that he wasn't allowed to just lay in bed peacefully.

Tyler supposed it could have been worse; the house didn't get that cold right after the heat turned off. He could wait until the morning.

That plan was squished to nothing when the window slammed open. Tyler, only being in a thin t-shirt and boxers, heavily shivered as the outside snow blew inside, the night's breeze bringing in a fierce chill.

He shot up, climbed out of bed, and rushed to the winow, closing it as fast as he could. He locked it, turning back around to try and find something to warm himself up. Mysteriously, as he gazed back over to his bed, his blanket that had disappeared before was folded neatly at the foot of the mattress.

𝐰𝐨𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 // 𝐰𝐞𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐱𝐭𝐲𝐥𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now