
451 15 4

prompt: tyler takes wednesday on a surprise vacation.

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third person pov

It was a picture of her and Tyler at the Weathervane just ten minutes before. Wednesday locked her phone before setting it down on her desk, the image still prominent in her mind. She knew this meant the stalker was on her tail, just a few steps behind every breath she took.

Tyler had just surprised her with cruise tickets, set for this weekend. She was looking forward to it; the unknown lurking just below the dark surface, not knowing if you would make it back home by the time the week was over.

Wednesday's phone buzzed.

"Have fun on your trip," she read.

She set her phone back down and smiled, patiently awaiting for the festivities the week would bring.

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Wednesday closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, enjoying the strong eroma of the dead fish on the dock. She was pulled out of her trance when Tyler placed his hand on the small of her back and started to guide her in another direction.

"Are you excited?" he asked, a smile on his face as he observed the water before them.

"Surprisingly, yes," she responded, remembering her ominous texts.

Tyler tore his gaze away from the dock's edge and looked down at the girl in his arm. She looked up at him in return and he smiled. He jumped and dropped his smile when a horn went off, undoubtedly their boat horn, calling last minute stragglers to get on before they set off.

"We'd better get going," Tyler said as he pulled out their tickets, squinting his eyes to read the fine print.

The two made their way to the cruise ship, Wednesday taking in the last of the fishy smell before they boarded. The gate closed behind them and they turned their attention to the captain, who was then explaining how things worked and what was and was not allowed. As he was speaking, Wednesday felt her phone buzz. The captain was drowned out as she pulled the device out of her pocket, looking at the text from the familiar unknown number.

Wednesday raised an eyebrow. It was a picture of her and Tyler, standing where they stood at that very moment. She looked up and gazed around, seemingly trying to find anyone that looked suspicious, preferably someone that had their phone out. But she saw no one that was not paying attention to the captain. Putting her phone back in her pocket, Wednesday kept her attention on the crowd, the captain long forgotten as the idea of finding her stalker claimed her mind.

After what was only a few minutes, everyone was set free to do as they pleased. Tyler took Wednesday's hand, the two starting to walk away from the dissipating crowd.

"We should probably find our room first," he said, heading in the direction towards the inside, and Wednesday nodded in agreement.

They walked through the hallways, counting the door numbers until they would find theirs. Tyler counted off out loud as Wednesday silently scanned the numbers, only half paying attention. Her eyes drifted to the end of the hallway, Tyler's voice slowly being drowned out by a ringing silence as the pigtailed girl's heart rate started to increase, the beating pounding in her ears.

Her gaze locked on a cloaked figure stood at the turn of the hallway. She squinted her eyes, trying to see the face, but to no avail. It was covered in shadow by a hood.

And then, it fled, the cloak floating behind it. Without a second thought, Wednesday took off after it.

"Hey, wait, wha-?" Tyler called after her, arm outstretched as her hand tugged out of his. He watched in a confused silence as his girlfriend rounded the corner, leaving his sight.

𝐰𝐨𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 // 𝐰𝐞𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐱𝐭𝐲𝐥𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now