𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭

557 21 9

prompt: wednesday is given a strange relic with one detrimental ability.

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third person pov

A small, cloaked figure shifted through the forest, swiftly gliding between the trees with a set destination in mind. The hood casted a shadow over the creature's face, deeming it unrecognizable to anyone who looked. They slid through the thick wood, tightly holding onto the ancient satchel looped over their shoulder. It carried one singular item: a rock.

The figure peered out of the trees, looking over the new scene in front of it. There was a sign, welcoming everyone who came to the wonderful city of Jericho.

They pushed on further, being careful of the bag slung on their back, and carried on so swiftly that anyone who was looking would think the cloaked figure was floating.

Now, this rock was important. One wrong move, and the carrier might not be able to complete their mission and return home. The one goal in mind was to get it as far away from home as possible.

And that was just what they were going to do.

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Wednesday stood up and exited the booth, neatly clearing the table of her coffee cup and matching plate. With a wave goodbye to her boyfriend Tyler, the door opened and she was off.

The air was cool, a brisk wind breezing past her face. She fixed her jacket and continued forward, headed towards her "quiet spot of solitude" for some alone time. She pushed through a few bushes and low-hanging branches before taking in the beautiful surrounding that was her spot.

It was a little pond, the water nearly perfectly clear so you could see the little fish swimming by, sat in the middle of a grassy clearing, surrounded by large, thick trees. An opening in the branches allowed the perfect amount of the sun's light to shine through, illuminating the clearing in a soft, golden glow.

Wednesday sat down, leaning against one of the thicker tree's stump, and flipped open her backpack. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion when she saw a small, opaque bag. Carefully, she lifted up the fabric by the string that held it closed, and she held it up to her face to examine it.

She didn't know how it had gotten there or when; she hadn't seen it in her backpack all day up until now. Even just thirty minutes ago, when she had to get out money to pay for her quad.

Despite her better judgement, Wednesday's curiosity got the best of her and she opened the little bag, dumping the contents into the palm of her hand. All that fell out was a small, dirty rock.

An eyebrow raised as she stood, taking quick steps to the pond to rinse the dirt off of the stone. The water was cold as she dunk her hands in, and water dropplets fell to her feet as she pulled the newly cleaned rock up to her chest.

Sat in the palm of her hand was a now shiny rock, the color shimmering in the sun's glow. It was nearly pitch black, but when looked at the right way, it gave off a hint of dark purple. Wednesday thought it was beautiful.

She turned away from the pond, her eyes still set on the mysterious relic in her hand. It was rectangular, with a square indent in the middle.

Wednesday looked to the shining square in the middle and immediately stiffened.

Her fingers gripped onto the rock so tightly her knuckles went white, and she knew she wasn't able to let go. She gasped as the breath was knocked out of her lungs, and her whole body tensed, unmovable against her will. A light breeze brushed by, and then she was toppling over, every bone in her body set stiffly, painfully straight as she was unable to free herself from whatever strange trance this was. She hit the ground with her shoulder, her head bouncing off of the dirt as she involuntarily rolled onto her back. She laid in the grass like a dead man, her wide, unblinking eyes set staring straight above, her body stiff and unmoving, each limb laying out pencil-straight. And in her tight grip remained the rock.

𝐰𝐨𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 // 𝐰𝐞𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐱𝐭𝐲𝐥𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now