Part 3

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"WILL, WHERE ARE YOU!?" I heard Kayla yell from outside the bathroom.

The way she broke the silence made me jump out of my skin. 

"I'M IN HERE," I yelled back and started walking towards the door.

I stepped out of the bathroom to find the cabin empty other then Kayla standing in between the bunk beds in front of me.

" 'Sup?" I asked but I could here my voice shake.

Get it together Will.

"The diner bell rang," she said, pointing towards the Mess Hall.

"Really?" I said, raising my eyebrows.

Wait hold up, how could I miss that?

"Yeah, come on," and with that she turned around and started walking towards the door.

And I followed her out.

"You alright?" Kayla asked as we walked towards the Mess Hall.

"Huh? Yeah, no I'm fine," I said, trying to force a smile.

She looked at me with that look in her eye that made me think that she knew that I was lying but she stopped talking, almost as if she knew i had bigger things to worry about.

Right at that moment, we walked into the Mess Hall and i glanced over at Hades Table, seeing Nico sitting across from Hazel.

As I sat down, Nico's head turned around, looking right at me. When he saw me, he let a loose smile cross his face and i smiled back. Then he turned back to Hazel, continuing his conversation with her.

I turned back to the Apollo table, feeling my face turn hot.

I smiled to myself, looking down at my food.

"WILL!" I heard Austin yell at me.

"Sorry what?" I said, blinking multiple times trying to get myself back into reality.

"Nevermind," he responded, rolling his eyes and turning back to Kayla.

I shook my head and turned back to my food and my daydreaming.

Opposites Attract // Solangelo FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now