Part 5

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"Hey Death Boy," I said as i walked into the room where Nico was waiting.

"Don't call me that," He said, rolling his eyes. I couldn't help but notice how little energy was behind that statement. 

"What happened?" I asked. There was no clear problem I could see by looking at him, other than the low energy level he seemed to have. 

"Hellhound," He responded, and started to pull his jacket off.

I soon as he did that, i saw what was wrong.

3 claw marks were lined down his left arm.

"Oh Neeks," i said shaking my head, as i handed him some ambrosia and started to clean the wound.

"What did you just call me?" He asked, and I could hear his personality start to come through in his voice again.

"Neeks," I said, knowing that i was annoying him and frankly enjoying it.

"Don't call me that either," He demanded, but when i looked up i could've sworn i saw a small smile on his face.

"Sure thing Neeks," I said, bandaging his wound.

"I can literally summon skeletons! How do you talk to me like this?!" He exclaimed, but i could feel his energy slipping.

"Death boy, you can't summon a wishbone right now," I responded, and stood up, and grabbed some nectar for him. 

"Here," i said handing it to him.

"Thanks," he said, yawning.

"You really should get some sleep Neeks," i told him.

"I'm fine-" He started, but i pushed my finger to his lips.

"Go to sleep,"

"Fine," he said, pushing my hand away and laying down. 

"Good," i said, trying to hide my smile, and headed towards the door.

"Wait, where are you going?" Nico asked.

"Don't worry, I'll be back in a second" I said, as i walked out.

 I closed the door behind me and leaned up against the wall.

I don't know how long i stood there, just trying to steady my breathing but when i walked back into the room, Nico had fallen asleep.

I smiled and sat down on the chair. I don't know when but i eventually fell asleep right there.

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