Part 14

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At this point, I had lost the ability to think straight (no pun intended).

I already missed him, even though it was only a few minutes since me and Nico were together. 

I walked into the Mess Hall, trying not to stare when i caught sight of Nico. He turned his head around, a cute little smile spreading across his face when he caught my eye. I smiled in return, and went to sit.

It was at that moment I realized the amount of pain in my back. I mean, i suppose it makes sense. I slept with my back up against a tree. 

I groaned as i sat down, rubbing my eyes.

"So," Kayla started.

"Yes?" I muttered, picking up a bagel, suddenly realizing how hungry I was.

"Someone didn't come back to the cabin last night," she stated, a sly smile spreading across her face.

"I- about that," I started but then Austin appeared and slid into a chair across from me.

"I see someone has decided to show up," he said to me.

I rolled my eyes. Classic Austin to be late then point out someone else's lateness.

"So, you're gonna tell us where you were last night?" Austin asked, leaning back.

"At camp," I shrugged.

At this moment i was kinda screwed. There was no good excuse as to where I had been. And they already shipped my a Nico so they would already think I was with him.

I mean, that wouldn't be wrong. I was with Nico. But when they found that out they would pepper me with questions and ship us.

Nico didn't like me. He was just a friend. People cuddled with the homies all the time. It was normal. 

He didn't like me. He was just a friend.

Just a friend.

I honestly didn't know what to believe anymore. I wanted to believe he liked me, but what if he didn't?

If he didn't, I didn't want to get my hopes up.

But if he did...


"What?" I jerked back into reality.

"What happened last night? Where were you?" Kayla peppered. 

"I told you, I was at camp," I said, trying to sound calm.

"Where? With who?" Austin demanded.

"I'll tell you later, 'kay? I'm too tired to talk right now, ok?" 

"Fine, but you will tell me,"  Kayla said, then stood up and walked away.

Austin smiled.

"What do you want?" I said rubbing my eyes.

"Just thinking about whatever it was you did," He replied.

"I hate you,"

"I know,"

And then he walked away.

Editors note:

Hey guys, nice long chapter aye? I'm gonna be trying to make chapters longer in the future and yeah

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