Part 17

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I don't know what to think anymore.

I wanted to believe Nico liked me. 

But if he didn't? If i was nothing more than a friend to him?

But what If he wanted me to be more than a friend?


Austin waved his hands in front of my face, trying to get my attention.

"Yeah?" I answered, rubbing my eyes.

"nothing, i just like bothering you," He smiled and turned back to Kayla.

We were sitting in the Mess Hall, eating dinner.

Well they were eating, I was just thinking.

I looked over at the Hades table, the sight of Nico making my heart stop but in a good way.

The way his eyes were the color of coffee with caramel. The way they made most people turn away from him because of the determination in them. 

But the way the fight melted from them when he was around Hazel or Jason or Reyna.

Or me.

And then I remembered  that I was supposed to meet with Nico in a little bit. 

When he had first said something, i hadn't been nervous. Maybe that was because I was too worried about Austin. 

But now...

Now I started to get nervous. 

What was it that he wanted to talk to me about? He had seemed so serious when he had asked me. 

Could it be something about what had happened last night?

I'm not sure if i'm ready for that.

If he turned me down, telling me he didn't like me, it would hurt. A lot. And it would probably ruin our friendship.

But if he told me he liked me....

No, no that wouldn't happen.

But if it did...

The bell went off again, signalling the end of dinner. Campers started to head over to the campfire.

I glanced back over to the Hades table and noticed Nico had already left.

I had two options. 

I could pretend that I forgot what Nico had asked and continue on like the other campers.

Or I could do what I said I would and meet up with Nico.

I weighed my options.

If i didn't meet up with him, Nico would probably assume I had ditched him and then might be mad at me and eventually drift away from me and then I would lose my bestfriend.

But if I did go, who knows what he would have to tell me. It was obviously serious, if it wasn't he would have told me earlier. 

But if it was something that I didn't want to hear that probably wouldn't end great either.

So it was either i don't meet up with him or I do meet up with him.

Turning around, I decided to go with the latter.

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