Part 16

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"Alright, what's going on?" I asked as i neared Austin and Kayla.

"I tripped and twisted my ankle," Austin stated but he didn't really seem like he was in that much pain.

"Ok, can you walk on it?" I asked, placing my bag on the sand.

"I don't know," he said shaking his head.

"Can you try?"

I extended my hand towards him and helped him up.

He took a few steps around and i carefully watched. He wasn't completely faking it but he wasn't really in need of that much treatment.

"Ok, sit down, I don't want you injuring yourself more," I ordered, kneeling down next to him and started going through my bag.

I pulled out a piece of ambrosia and handed it to him.

"Now are you going to tell me why you actually brought me down here, because I know it's not because of the ankle," I said 

Then I turned to Kayla, "Plus, you're here."

"Fine," Austin said rolling his eyes, " tell us what happened last night!"

"Did you seriously twist your ankle just to ask me that?"

"Well kinda. We know you aren't going to tell us unless we got you down here so you know."

"Fine," I said sitting down in the sand next to them, " What do you want to know?"

"Where were you last night? And don't just say 'at the camp'!" Kayla asked.

"I was here actually," I answered, smiling slightly and reminiscing about what happened last night.

"With who?" Austin peppered, flopping back on the sand.

"I think you already know," I said, my smile spreading across my face.

"NO WAY!" Kayla practically screamed, "you're talking about Nico right?!"

"Yeah," I nearly whispered, biting my lip.

"ahhh what did you do? did you kiss him? did you-"

I clamped my hand over her mouth, not knowing what she would say next and honestly not wanting to.

"No, we just kinda sat there with his head on my chest and fell asleep and yeah, " 

I wrapped my arms around my legs and placed my chin on my knees.

This conversation was making me think about Nico.

His chocolate brown eyes. His fluffy jet black hair. The way he was just so perfect in every way.

Why did i want to kiss him so bad...?

"Simp," Austin remarked, noticing my smile.

"Oh shut up," I said, shoving his arm.

"When are you gonna kiss him?" Kayla asked, being way to excited.

"Oh come on, he probably doesn't even like me," 

"How long are you gonna keep lying to yourself?"

My heart was racing as I thought about that question.

Why did i want him so bad?

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