Part 15

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I jumped awake at a knock on the cabin door.

I looked up to see Nico standing at the door.

"Hey," he began.

"Hey, what's up?" 

I looked down at my desk, seeing all the papers that littered it and the countless pens.

I sighed. I passed out again while doing school work.

"You ok?" He asked, tilting his head to the side slightly.

"Yeah, yeah i'm fine," I smiled.

I wasn't really lying. With him there, how could I not be ok?

"Ok,"  he replied, but he didn't really seem convinced, "Well I came to tell you- wait why am i here again?"

I smiled.

Why was he so cute?

"You expect me to know?" I said, starting to stand up.

"You never know," he laughed, "hold up, give me a second to remember."

I leaned against the bed post, waiting for him to remember. 

My heart was racing. 

Why did he make me feel like this?

"Oh yeah, Austin fell and like twisted his ankle or something, i don't know they told me to get you and i didn't mind so you know," he shrugged.

"Of course he did," I said, rolling  my eyes, "where is he?"

"He's over near the beach, come on I'll show you," and with that he turned around and headed out the door.

"Hey Will?" Nico began as we were walking down to the beach.

"Yeah?" I said, smiling slightly.

"I- how do i say this?" he started, "actually, can we talk later?"

"Yeah, sure man, when?"

"My cabin after dinner?"

"Alright, its a deal, see you later" i said, then i winked at him and headed over to where Austin lay in sand.

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