Part 24

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"Will," I heard Nico muttered.

"Yeah?" I responded, blinking my eyes, trying to wake up.

I glanced around the cabin, trying to remember what was going on. 

Did i really fall asleep? 

I glanced at my watch.


How was it so late? Did i really sleep that long?

"Just wondering if you're awake," He whispered, his tiredness dripping into his voice.

"Don't worry," I smiled, ruffling his hair "How are you feeling Neeks?"

"I'm ok," he muttered, burying his head into my chest.

"Okay," I nodded, making a mental note of how much i thought he was lying.

Nico seemed to drift back to sleep. 

I smiled looking down at his peaceful face. 

I leaned my head back again, closing my eyes, not quite falling asleep but drifting into a state of daydreaming.


I felt a weight lifted off my chest and not in the metaphorical way. I heard a gasp and my eyes flew open.

"Neeks are you ok?" I asked, my eyes scanning all around his body to see if he was injured.

"Yeah,  yeah i'm fine," He responded, breathing heavily, "just, just a nightmare,"

He took a deep breath as if trying to calm himself.

"Hey, hey, shh its ok," I grabbed his hand, interlocking our fingers.

He nodded, still breathing heavily. 

I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him into a hug.

He wrapped his arms around my neck, burying his head into my neck.

"Sh, it's ok, it's ok," I whispered.

We laid there for a few minutes, the only noise being the sound of us breathing.

Nico pulled away, taking another deep breath. 

"Will, can we talk?" Nico asked, looking into my eyes.

I looked back into his eyes. The color of coffee with caramel.

"Of course, go ahead," I nodded.

"Will, i just," He started, then shook his head.

He paused, taking a deep breath.

"Will, I love you," he whispered, his voice barely above a whisper.

I blinked, not believing the words I was hearing. Sure he had kissed me, but for whatever reason, there was still doubt in my mind.

"Really?" I whispered back.

He nodded, opening his mouth to say something then closing to again.

I cupped my hand under his chin, tipping his face up towards me. 

"I love you to Neeks," I whispered.

"I'm going to kill you if you call me that again," He whispered, glaring at me.

"Mhm Neeks," I smiled, knowing I was annoying him.

"I hate you," He rolled his eyes.

"Liar," I whispered, leaning in.

Nico leaned forward, meeting me halfway, kissing me.

My heart stopped. My face melted. My brain couldn't think of anything other than him.

Nico pulled away, looking into my eyes, smiling. 

"I still hate you by the way,"

(word count: 426)

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