Part 4

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The words swam on the page. I slammed the book shut and put it on my lap.

I looked up and started at the top of the bunk bed. Sure i had dyslexia but normally it wasn't this bad.

I sighed as i thought about it. I knew it wasn't the dyslexia that was bothering me. I just couldn't focus.

I sat up and placed the book under my bed with the rest of my stuff.

I kinda wish i didn't feel like this. Sure it was nice. Well you could imagine, it was like having a normal crush. 

But i knew i had no chance. There was no chance that Nico liked me. I doubted he even liked me as a friend. 

But then again, some of the things he did made me second guess everything.

I thought back to the smile he had on his face during dinner. Sure, it could have just been because of the conversation he was having with Hazel but that seemed wrong.

Before he looked over at me he hadn't been smiling, not like that. 

I felt a small smile spread across my face as i thought about him

"Whatcha thinking about down there?" Kayla asked from her bunk.

"Nothing," I responded, not really paying attention to what she was saying.

"Uh huh," Austin chimed in.

"Come on, just tell me," Kayla said, "who is it?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, actually paying attention now.

"Oh come on, you're obviously thinking about someone. Who is it?"

I smiled to myself again.

"Its no one," I said shaking my head.

"Liar," she responded "Who is it? Piper? Annabeth? Hazel?"

I rolled my eyes, thinking about how off she was.

Austin squinted at me, "Its Nico isn't it?"

I blinked a couple times, surprised at how he got it so quickly.

"No," i responded, trying to make my lie sound believable, "why would you think that?"

"Oh come on," he said, " you stare at him all the time, and as soon as i said his name a smile crossed your face and you're blushing."

I honestly hadn't noticed the smile or the fact i was blushing.

I sighed, knowing that i couldn't lie to Austin. Maybe i could make up something to fool Kayla, but Austin would tell that i was lying.

"fine," i said, laying back down on my bunk, "yes its him, but it doesn't matter, its not like he likes me anyway."

"What do you mean??" Kayla nearly yelled, "have you seen how he acts around you?"

"Sarcastic?" i responded, honestly kinda just wanting to go to bed.

"No, i mean-"

Who knows what she was going to say, because at that moment there was a knock on the door.

I stood up and opened the door and saw Chiron standing there.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked

"Hey Will, your needed in the infirmary. Nico hurt himself again"

From the look on his face i could tell that Nico had done something dumb again that he normally would have just dealt with my himself but ever since Chiron had been keeping an extra eye on him, he had been in the infirmary a lot more. Not that i minded it.

"Alright I'm coming" and with that i started walking to the infirmary. 

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