Part 31

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"Yeah?" I brushed his hair behind his ear.

It was the last day of the summer part of camp so everyone was kind of in a craze. 

Me and Nico were both staying full year so we didn't really have to worry about packing or anything.

"What day is it?" Nico asked.

"The 20th i think," I took his hand.

Nico groaned.

"How is it already the 20th?" he muttered.

"I don't know babe," I laughed, tracing my fingers down his hand.

"Stop," he weakly pulled his hand from mine, his eyes still closed.

"Then you stop being cute," 

"See, that's not possible," his smiled, opening his eyes slightly.

"Exactly," I grabbed his hand again and kissed it.

He sat up slowly, rubbing his eyes. 

"You're annoying," he yawned.

"Mhm, I know," I smiled then kissed the top of his head.

Nico leaned back, laying his head against my chest. I wrapped one of my arms around his waist, my other hand messing with his hair.

He yawned again, laying his hand over mine.

"I love you Neeks," I whispered, his hair slipping through my hands.

"I love you to Sunshine Boy," He smiled, turning around and kissing me.

I wrapped my arms around his waist, kissing him back. His knees pressed into my thighs, his arms wrapping around his neck.

I traced my fingers up his skin, Nico giggling under his breath.

I circled one of my fingers under his shirt, the temperature of his skin sending chills down my spine.

"My gods Nico, why are you so cold?" I whispered, leaning back.

"I don't know man," he laughed, " you should be happy I'm not colder."

"Get over here," I wrapped my arms tighter around his waist, pulling him closer.

He laid his head on my chest, his arms wrapping tighter around my neck, his lips brushing against my neck.

I clasped my hands behind his back, leaning back against the tree that was behind us.

Nico's eyes closed, his breath slowing. 

I smiled and kissed the top of his head, tracing my fingers down his back.

"Hello," I heard from behind me.

I turned my head slightly, seeing Jason walking towards is.

"Hey," I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

He sat down next to me, smiling down at Nico.

I shifted slightly, Nico muttering something in Italian under his breath.

"Shh," I whispered, tucking his hair behind his ear.

He mumbled something else then wrapped his arms around my chest.

"I'm guessing you're leaving?" I asked, turning to Jason.

"Yeah," he nodded, "I'm heading to New Rome for now."

"Nice, is Piper coming with you?"

"Yup. And I'm guessing you guys are staying here?" 

"Yeah," I glanced back down at Nico.

"You guys are cute," Jason smiled.


"But Will, I swear on the Styx river, if you dare hurt him," Jason lifted his finger.

"Don't worry Jason, I'm not going to,"

"Good. Nice seeing you man,"

"You to," I nodded.

Jason stood up, smiling and walked away.

"Why do y'all have to be so loud?" Nico muttered.

"Y'all?" I laughed at my own slang rubbing off on him.

"Oh shut up," he whispered.

"I'm sorry," I raised my hands.

"You better be," 

He buried his face into my chest, still muttering in Italian.

I laughed and leaned back.

I smiled, running my fingers through his hair.

"I love you Neeks," I whispered.

"I love you to Sunshine," 

(word count: 522)

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