Part 23

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"How's my star patient?" I joked as i walked in and leaned against the door.

Nico was sat in the infirmary, an ugly cut across his arm.

He glanced up at me, sending me a death stare.

"My gods Neeks, how did you do that?" I asked, looking down at his arm.

"None of your business," he rolled his eyes, turning his head down and smiled. He went to cross his arms, then flinched remembering why he was there.

"Give me your arm," I said, holding out my hand.

He extended his arm. I sat down, examining his arm.

"Jeez, that's gonna need stitches Death Boy," I stated.

"Is it that bad?"


"Screw those freaking rocks," I heard him mutter under his breath, death in his eyes.

"Oh yeah?" I laughed, standing up. 

He nodded. 

Jeez, he looked exhausted. 

I grabbed some nectar and handed it to him, "Drink this."

He stared down at it for a second, as if questioning whether or not he had enough energy to fight with me. Then he started to drink it.

I cleaned his wound then started on the stitches. 

He sat in pretty much silence as i did it, muttering some colorful words under his breath every now and then.

"There you go," I said, once i had finished the stitches.

I stood up and washed my hands. I turned back to see Nico, nearly asleep.

"You look exhausted Neeks,"I stated, turning to him.

"I'm fine," he muttered, rubbing his eyes.

"Come on," I took his hand and led him towards the Hades Cabin.

"Here, sit down Death boy," I ordered him, pointing towards the couch.

He muttered something but then sat down.

I grabbed him a blanket and handed it to him.

"Now go to sleep Neeks, you need it."

I turned to leave but then i felt his hand grab mine.

"Stay," he whispered, pulling me down next to him.

I smiled, sitting down next to him.

"Fine," I said.

My heart was racing. I kept thinking about when Nico kissed me. 

"Now go to sleep," I whispered, then kissed his forehead.

He laid down, laying his head on my chest, tucking in his knees.

I started playing with his hair, as his feel asleep. 

I smiled, looking down at him. 

I glanced at my watch. 


I had plenty of time until i had to do anything. Well honestly i didn't have anything to do that if i missed i couldn't just lie my way out of.

And i didn't mind staying there with Nico. Shoot, even if i had something to do, I would have stayed with him. 

I grabbed his hand and interlocked my fingers with his.

Nico muttered something that I couldn't make out.

"Shh, sleep Death Boy," I whispered as he fell asleep.

I leaned back, smiling, and closed my eyes.

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