Part 27

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"What happened this time?" I walked into the infirmary to see Nico sitting there.

There was a cut down the side of his cheek, blood running down his face. 

"Clarisse," he crossed his arms.

I shook my head. I wish I could say this was the first time this had happened but no. Clarisse and Nico for whatever reason just did like each other.

I cleaned and bandaged his wound, my hands brushing against his skin.

"You're freezing," I held the back of my hand to his other cheek.

"I'm fine," he rolled his eyes.

"Uh huh, sure thing," I started pulling my hoodie off and handed it to him.

"How many of these are you going to give to me?" Nico sighed.

"As many as i have until you start wearing the proper clothing," I laughed.

He smiled slightly and put it on, trying to keep it from touching his cheek.

"I hate you," He glared at me, crossing his arms in the oversized hoodie.

"Mhm i'm sure," I said, sarcasm dripping from my words.

I walked over to him and kissed him.

He rolled his eyes as I pulled away, ruffling his hair.

He pulled his legs up on the cot, crossing his legs.

I washed my hands then sat down next to him, tracing my fingers down his arm.

He leaned in and kissed me, one of his hands cupping under my chin.

I smiled, my hands finding their way to his waist.

I leaned back, pulling him onto my lap, my hands interlocking behind his back.

His laughed slightly, his arms wrapping around my neck.

One of my hands slowly slipped under his hoodie, his skin still cool against mine.

He pulled away slightly, staring into my eyes. I stared back into his eyes, those chocolate brown eyes. I smiled, leaning back against the wall. 

My other hand slipped up his hoodie, finding his skin, the coolness of it sending chills up my spine.

He rolled his eyes, then leaned in again, pressing his lips against mine.

I felt his hands run through my hair as i traced his skin with my fingers.

My arm tightened around his waist as our tongues touched, my fingers of my other hand tracing down his thigh. 

Then I heard someone clear their throat from the door.

"Hey ah, sorry to ruin this moment, but Will some new kid injured himself," I heard Kayla say.

I glanced up to see her standing there, leaning against the door frame, a wide smile on her face.

"Ah Kayla, I-" Nico started.

"Shh," I pressed my finger to his lips as I slowly stood up.

"I'll be back Neeks," I whispered, kissing him.

"Alright, where is this new kid?"

(word count: 426)

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