Part 18

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I had slipped away from the Mess Hall, heading towards the Hades Cabin.

I'm not sure what to expect when I got to the Hades Cabin and I tried not to think about it as I didn't want to cause myself anymore stress. 

I walked slowly down the path, not sure if i really wanted to go through with this.

I honestly couldn't go back now. 

I started walking faster, my heart pounding in my ears.

Breathe Will, just breathe

I looked up and saw the Hades Cabin in front of me. I took a deep breath and headed forward, ready to face whatever it was the Nico had to tell me.

"Hey," I started, spotting Nico sitting on the steps of the cabin.

"Hey," he responded, looking up a small smile spreading across his face.

He shifted over and gestured for me to sit.

After I sat down, he took a deep breath.

Then he looked dead in the eyes, as if questioning if he really wanted to do this.

He opened his mouth, as if to start to say whatever it was that he had brought me to here to tell me, but before he could, Jason walked by.

"Hey guys," he started, smiling at Nico when he saw me there, as if he had won a bet or something.

Nico rolled his eyes, but averted his gaze from Jason.

"What's up?" I asked, pulling myself up into a standing position.

"Oh uh yeah, Piper fell and cut her leg, would you mind coming to help?"

"Yeah sure," I said.

I stepped down the stairs and started to follow Jason to wherever it was the Piper was, then turned back to Nico once Jason was out of earshot, "I'll come back when I'm done, okay?"

"Thank you," he answered, a sweet smile starting a form on his lips.

Before i had been scared about whatever it was that he was going to tell me. But now, I wasn't scared anymore. 

I was ready for whatever was going to happen.

"Will?" Jason started as we were walking to Piper.

"Yeah?" I responded, turning to him.

I didn't really know Jason that well. He was constantly hopping between Camp Half Blood and New Rome and he mostly hung out with The 7 and Nico so I didn't see him much unless he was in the infirmary or when I was hanging out with Nico.

" I don't know what you guys were doing back there,"

I opened my mouth to point out that I had just gotten there and that nothing was happening, but he held up his hands to stop me.

"I don't know what you guys were doing back there," Jason repeated, "but if you dare hurt him, in anyway,"

He left his threat open, but that was enough to scare me. Jason is a child of Zeus, he wasn't someone I wanted to mess with.

"Don't worry, that isn't part of the plan," I winked and walked over to Piper, who was sitting on the path.

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