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When Park Daniel was given the opportunity to start fresh by moving to the centre of Seoul, he thought he could hold a new sense of confidence that would have him make new friends and join social circles.

So, why was he being beaten up?

"You want to have coffee with us?"

The boy who had been revealed to him as Zack was currently throwing fist after fist to his face and he had no power to fight back, giving up right away.

The fear that consumed his body wasn't from Zack hurting him but the cameras that were surrounding him, taking every shot they could angle in a different way so they could post it on Pacebook after.

'Nothing's changed...'

The sound of screams snapped Daniel out of his daze and his brain wanted to process his surroundings and figure out what was happening but white smoke covered his entire vision and he felt a moment of confusion.

That was until he felt a gentle hand take a hold of his, making his body stiffen up over the foreign touch.

"Come on." A voice whispered close enough for him to hear as they helped him stand.

Daniel was blindly dragged away from the scene but when he could see colour once more as he escaped the smoke, the visuals of the world was acknowledged by his eyes once more but what took his breath away was the owner of the hand who was leading him away from the scene.

A pair of [E/C] eyes settled themselves onto his chubby face and he felt his heart rate increase as soon as they smiled sweetly.

"You should be okay now."

While you searched around the area for any traces of Zack, Daniel had his eyes glued onto your pretty features, not believing that you were helping him.

It made him doubt for a second and it was all he needed for his mind to be consumed with negative thoughts.

'She probably needs a servant, that's why she got me out of there.'

He crouched down and you looked down at him in wonder but your eyes widened when he began to bark.

"What are you doing?"

You were flustered by his sudden change of behaviour and moved down to his level, planning to put a hand on his shoulder but when you noticed he flinched from you almost touching him, you pulled your hand back immediately.

"You must have been through a lot, huh?" Your gaze told him you had figured out why he was acting this way and you stood back up.

You turned away from his as you wanted to collect your thoughts, trying to think of a way to explain to him that you weren't a bad person.

"Those guys who made you act like this...were they your friends?"

Daniel lowered his head as he thought over to the beginning of each relationship he started at his former school and it would always be him being befriended by another before they made him a victim to their entertainment.

"They weren't true friends." He answered truthfully.

He looked up as a phone came in his line of vision.

"Let's exchange numbers and when you want to talk, just drop a text or phone me. We can be acquaintances for now but maybe, we can be friends later?" You suggested with a small shrug and he glanced between you and your phone before taking a hold of it.

When he saved his number, you sent him a text so he could save your number on his phone before you took a step back.

"I'm [L/N] [F/N], by the way." You introduced and Daniel hesitated for a second, wondering if he should tell you his identity.

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