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"How long will you be working?"

It was past ten at night and Zoe was laid down in her bed, feeling sleepy but you were wide awake as you were in the middle of some work.

"I'll be another ten minutes." You told without looking at her.

"Okay..." She mumbled, snuggling further into her blanket as her eyes closed due to fatigue.

You had gone onto Naver, typing in Heemin's name after finding his full name on the retreat's website but there seemed to be no match, many other Heemin's popping up but the profile picture was of another man.

'Why can't I find him?'

If only you were at home. You could have easily found more information on him.

You decided to resign from your research for the night, not wanting to bother Zoe any further with the bright screen of your laptop.


The second day of activities flew by and the evening had the students of J High settled down in their rooms, doing their own activities to use up time before they went to sleep.

You were making your way down one of the hallways when you stumbled across the sight of a boy flying out of their room. Upon closer inspection, you realised it was a student from the architecture department. You slowly walked around his battered body and peeked inside the room to see Vasco having a pillow fight with his friends.

The look of joy as he played around had you clutching the area where your heart was as you felt weak by his adorableness.

"Watch out!"

A pillow smacked you square in the face and you stumbled back. You moved it from your face to see who the culprit behind the attack.


He walked up to you to check if you had been harmed but when he saw no damage, he still apologised for his actions.

"You can hit me back, if you want to." He offered as a way to make things even.

You raised the pillow and he anticipated your hit but what you delivered had him blinking in confusion. You had bumped the pillow lightly against his nose and allowed him to take a hold of the pillow once more.

"I could never hurt you, Vasco."

You didn't realise how sweet that sounded and the boys of the architecture department had gathered together to coo over your words.

'How romantic!!'

A sound from outside had caught your attention and you turned your head to look through the windows of the hallway, seeing two figures standing outside. The lights outside were turned on, giving you a clear view of Mira who stood with Heemin and you inched closer to the window, a hint of worry striking you.


Vasco wondered what had gotten your attention but his eyes settled onto you as you pulled your phone out.

He heard his ringtone and Jace was the one to hand it over to him as he check to see it was you calling him.

"I need to check something but if anything happens, then I'll call for you."

Vasco was in the dark as much as Jace but the two could tell you were about to deal with something serious.

"I should go with you." Vasco offered but you shook your head.

"I'll be fine."

Vasco didn't get a chance to protest and watched as you walked on, leaving him behind with his friends. They had no choice but to go back into their room and seat themselves on the ground, placing the phone down and putting the speaker on.

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