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"Another illegal betting operation was discovered today and the culprits who approached many students to gamble have been captured."

You were in the middle of eating your breakfast but your attention had moved onto the TV as your father had turned on the news.

"I'll hand it over to Reporter Kim for further information."

You felt eyes on you and looked up to see your father gazing at you with a hint of concern.

"Be careful, dear. You don't know when these type of people will approach you." He mentioned and you waved your hand as a sign to tell him not to worry.

"You know I wouldn't get involved in illegal activity." You assured which made him smile.

He looked towards the clock on the wall to see it was almost time to leave and he stood up, grabbing his dishes and moving towards the sink.

"I'll wash the dishes, Dad. I still have time before school starts." You mentioned and he thanked you, placing the dishes inside the sink before washing his hands.

Your mother had already left for work as she had a meeting early in the morning while your father had to do a check up around the company as soon as he got there to see if it was running well.

"Me and your mother will be home in the evening." He leaned down to place a kiss to your forehead and you smiled.

You finished up your breakfast as your father left for work before cleaning up after yourself and moving to grab your bag.

The front door clicked as you stepped outside, automatically locking itself as the security system detected the house was now vacant.

You took the same path you would go through to reach school, seeing a few familiar students walking in the same direction which gave off the feeling of a how scheduled your life was, witnessing the same scenes until the day ended, only for it to restart and play over again.

That feeling had shattered when a new scene was added, the day wanting to feel different for once.

"Excuse me." You were called and you turned your head to see an older boy approach you with a charming smile.

You simply raised a brow, deciding to stay quiet as he stopped in front of you.

"We have a business online where you can earn a bit of extra money. If you're interested, here's our card."

You accepted the card he offered to you and gazed down to see a website address along with a number printed on the card.

"If you want to ask further questions, you can contact us through this number. My name is John by the way."

You nodded, watching as he tipped his head forward as a way to thank you before he moved ahead to another student.

'Jake has moved his betting operation to the centre of Seoul.' You thought as you watched John promote the illegal business.

You had come to know of what Jake was doing behind Gun's back but remained quiet as you never really got along with Gun and it wouldn't benefit you snitching on Jake.

That was the case, until now.

'He made a bad choice to move his business into my territory and think I wouldn't do anything about it.'



The boy flinched as he heard his name but when he turned back, he was surprised to see it was you.

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