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Your second year at J High had begun and you couldn't even attend your first day as you were suffering from jetlag. She could tell you were upset as you wanted to go to see your friends. 

"It's alright, dear. Just rest until you're well."

Your mother had decided to leave the work at the company to your father as she wanted to take care of you.

You had been away during the two week holiday before the second year started as your parents wanted to take you abroad but you had arrived early this morning with hardly any sleep done. Your body was exhausted while your balance was all over the place as you couldn't adjust to walking on the floor, the flight having your mind struggle to realise that you were no longer on the plane.

Your phone rang and your mother decided to take it as you were snuggled in a blanket with your arms hidden underneath.

"Hello?" She called.

" this [F/N]'s mother? I'm her friend, Daniel."

You overheard and looked over to her as she gazed down at you to confirm if this was true. You sent her a nod and she spoke up.

"Yes. [F/N] isn't well at the moment which is why she couldn't be in school. It's nothing to worry about...just jetlag." She explained.

"Oh...will I be able to visit her after school?" He asked.

"That would be great. She was telling me how much she missed her friends...oh! And please make sure to bring that boy with you also...what was his name? Ah, right, Vasco! She especially missed him-"


Your mother laughed and you could even hear Daniel laugh in the back causing your face to brighten up with redness.

The phone call ended and your mother faced you, seeing the weak glare you were sending in her direction.

"Don't scrunch up your face like that, sweetie. You'll get wrinkles faster." She told as she poked your forehead making you loosen up.

You snuggled into your blanket more and sighed, allowing your body to fall to your left which caused the left side of your face to become squished.

"Ugh..." You groaned.

You began to feel sleepy as the medication you took earlier had decided to kick in at that moment and have you close your eyes. You sighed, letting your mind take you away to the world of dream as you eventually fell asleep.

Your mother returned to check on you as you had been quiet enough for her to feel concerned but when she saw you had fallen asleep, she let herself relax.

She changed your position so you were more comfortable before she placed a kiss on your forehead, moving away to let you rest.


Daniel was in the midst of a journey as he tried to make his way to the architecture department, wanting to find Vasco but there were a few obstacles that stopped him from moving forward.

"Sunbae! Can I take a picture with you?"

A group of younger girls who were first years had surrounded him, taking their phones out as they asked to take a selfie.

"I...I need to-w-wait...what are you-"

Daniel couldn't speak properly, flustered by the girls as they inched closer to him.


The boy turned as his name was called and he was relieved to see the friend he was searching for.

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