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"I don't know how it happened but I just woke up in this body the next morning." Daniel concluded his explanation in his slim form, sitting cross legged in front of you.

He noticed the strange glint in your eyes as you gazed at him with fascination and smiled in a nervous fashion.

"This is amazing...I kinda want to see you change bodies again." You mentioned while raising your hand and Daniel was quick to deny your request as he forced you to put your hand down.

"Your slap really hurt." He couldn't help but whine while you pouted, disappointed you couldn't do it again.

"How did you figure this all out?" It was your turn to be investigated as Daniel was curious as to how you were able to find out about his secret.

"Well, for starters, you're both named Park Daniel. You could have come up with another name. It would have made you less suspicious." Your criticism only caused a sigh to leave him but he listened further to your explanation.

"You transfered into the school at the same time as your other self moved into the neighbourhood. You also act exactly the same, nervous, right?"

Daniel groaned, feeling embarrassed that he had made it so obvious for you.

"It's not your fault, though. You were thrown into this situation so you couldn't prepare yourself for it. It's been like...a week?" He nodded to confirm your question and you patted his back in comfort.

"Why did you want to know about me?" Daniel asked and you pursed your lips, trying to think of a way to explain it simply.

"I wanted to check if you were a threat or not."

That was not the answer he was expecting and his stare told you he wanted you to tell him more but you shook your head.

"When the right time comes, I'll tell you everything. I promise." You raised your pinky and smiled his way while he could only accept it, wrapping his finger around yours to seal the deal.

You stood up, not wanting to use up any more Daniel's time as you now knew he had to get up in his other body for work. You walked over to the door and put your trainers back on.

"I'll see you tomorrow in school then."

The two of you exchanged a smile, Daniel's more relieved than happy as he had someone he could share this secret with now, leaving it to be less of a burden.

You stepped out of his home, adjusting your hoodie as you wanted your features to shown less and you waved towards Daniel, watching as he shut the door before you made your way towards your home.


"The gate is closing!"

You were officially late for school which was a rare occasion but with your parents wanting to spend a bit of time with you before you started your day and them with their fashion company, you couldn't get yourself to refuse. Your mother had made all your favourite foods for breakfast and while you were too busy enjoying them, you hadn't noticed the time until the last minute.

"It's too late."

The gate had been locked by the time you arrived by it and you wrapped your fingers around the bars, staring at your school with a big amount of frustration.

How were you going to get in now?

You looked around, seeing how the walls surrounding the schools were not too high and tall enough for you to climb over and you rushed over to one side, throwing your bag over it before getting yourself over it.

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